Author page: Alexv45

[Patch Fix] v.6.0.4

We have corrected some world borders and details. Changed Lisa to Eradicator preventing an error from loot of lisa/spell. Files Changed: data/scripts/custom/quest/lisa.lua data/world/ World folder is optional, as if you already have your own world do not change this file.

Patch Fix v6.0.1

Patch Fix v6.0.1 Today we have fixed some things on Hellgrave: Prison System Fixed Removed NPC Stratios, the NPC Selling Outfits and Mounts is called Estherya located on Ancestral Rift. Corrected item Rare Identification rune, that players waren’t be able to…

Hellgrave RPG v6.0.0 Server Launcher

Hellgrave Get Last Updates Stay Informed Easy to Update More Faster . Desde ahora, el servidor hellgrave Rpg v6.0.0 ( Versión Windows únicamente ) se descargará mediante un Launcher.La descarga se reemplazó por un launcher.Si quieren seguir las actualizaciones / tener las futuras correcciones del servidor, por…

Hellgrave v6.0 Update

Hellgrave Update v6.0 100% Hellgrave RPG Server v6.0 Informacion Importante: El RME, el editor de cliente, logo psd, launcher y web v6.0 estan unicamente disponible para Hellgrave Premium.El Servidor y el Cliente quedan totalmente gratuito. Antes que nada: Gracias a Xikini, Sarah…