Problemas para entrar a mi server


Tengo el siguiente problema acabo de abrir puertos para que otras personas puedan entrar y todo bien otras personas si pueden entrar pero cuando yo intento entrar me salta este mensaje y no se como solucionarlo ya intente usando el cliente con el localhost pero no me deja entrar tambien con la ip local de mi computadora pero no me deja entrar

Ojala alguien pueda ayudarme con eso


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Miembro del equipo
Tengo el siguiente problema acabo de abrir puertos para que otras personas puedan entrar y todo bien otras personas si pueden entrar pero cuando yo intento entrar me salta este mensaje y no se como solucionarlo ya intente usando el cliente con el localhost pero no me deja entrar tambien con la ip local de mi computadora pero no me deja entrar

Ojala alguien pueda ayudarme con eso
Hola ,
Hay un error o en el config o en el login.php de la web.
Lo mejor es que reemplazes primero el config.php, de tu web modifiques solamente la info database , el servername, y en 7171/7172 pongas la ip pública donde está alojado el servidor, prueba de entrar con el cliente modificado con tu ip pública.


Hola ,
Hay un error o en el config o en el login.php de la web.
Lo mejor es que reemplazes primero el config.php, de tu web modifiques solamente la info database , el servername, y en 7171/7172 pongas la ip pública donde está alojado el servidor, prueba de entrar con el cliente modificado con tu ip pública.
Ya lo intente pero creo que el problema es por otro lado estoy viendo que cuando otras personas entran a la pagina con la ip publica ellos pueden entrar pero cuando yo quiero entrar a la pagina con la ip publica me manda a la pagina de mi router y para acceder a la pagina desde mi computadora puedo entrar con la ip local de la pc cuando le pongo al cliente la ip local el cliente me arroja el boss y la creature del día pero simplemente no me deja entrar sale este mensaje que te salta cuando no tienes internet o esta cerrado el server con esa barra que carga que te va contando las veces que esta intentando conectar


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    Sin título1.jpg
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  • Sin título.jpg
    Sin título.jpg
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Miembro del equipo
Ya lo intente pero creo que el problema es por otro lado estoy viendo que cuando otras personas entran a la pagina con la ip publica ellos pueden entrar pero cuando yo quiero entrar a la pagina con la ip publica me manda a la pagina de mi router y para acceder a la pagina desde mi computadora puedo entrar con la ip local de la pc cuando le pongo al cliente la ip local el cliente me arroja el boss y la creature del día pero simplemente no me deja entrar sale este mensaje que te salta cuando no tienes internet o esta cerrado el server con esa barra que carga que te va contando las veces que esta intentando conectar
Entiendo que el servidor está en tu pc ?
En ese caso el cliente localhost modifica la ip para tu ip local , abre la cmd escribe /ipconfig y manda , saldrá una ip empezando por le 192.168.. pon esa ip en el cliente localhost para ti y entra en el juego haber.


Entiendo que el servidor está en tu pc ?
En ese caso el cliente localhost modifica la ip para tu ip local , abre la cmd escribe /ipconfig y manda , saldrá una ip empezando por le 192.168.. pon esa ip en el cliente localhost para ti y entra en el juego haber.
Si de hecho ya intente abrir el cliente con el y con mi ip local pero es el mismo resultado de las dos imágenes que te puse y eso me desconcierta


Miembro del equipo
Si de hecho ya intente abrir el cliente con el y con mi ip local pero es el mismo resultado de las dos imágenes que te puse y eso me desconcierta

Muestra tu config.php y config.lua las partes editadas haber si veo algo que podría provocar esto.

A la hora de escribir, arriba a la derecha los 3 puntillos pulsa encima y dale en </> 'Código',
Inserta tu config.php y selecciona "Codigo Lua", guarda, haz lo mismo por el config.lua.


Muestra tu config.php y config.lua las partes editadas haber si veo algo que podría provocar esto.

A la hora de escribir, arriba a la derecha los 3 puntillos pulsa encima y dale en </> 'Código',
Inserta tu config.php y selecciona "Codigo Lua", guarda, haz lo mismo por el config.lua.

Código Lua:
    if (!defined('ZNOTE_OS')) {
        $isWindows = (strtoupper(substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3)) === 'WIN');
        define('ZNOTE_OS', ($isWindows) ? 'WINDOWS' : 'LINUX');

    // Si quieren usar el items.php aqui lo pueden probar
    $config['items'] = true;

    // Opciones disponibles: TFS_02, TFS_03, OTHIRE, TFS_10
    // OTHire = OTHIRE
    // TFS 0.2 = TFS_02
    // TFS 0.3 = TFS_03 (Si estas usando 0.3.6, pon $config['salt'] en false)!
    // TFS 0.4 = TFS_03
    // TFS 1.x = TFS_10 (Version Real Map Custom)
    $config['ServerEngine'] = 'TFS_10';
    // Por lo que sabemos OTX esta basado en TFS_03, estes seguro que eliges el TFS correcto: TFS_03
    $config['CustomVersion'] = false;

    $config['site_title'] = 'Custom Real Map';
    $config['site_title_context'] = 'Mmorpg custom tibia server';
    $config['site_url'] = "";
    // Direccion de tu carpeta de Servidor "/" (o en raros casos la barra del otro sentido "\") y sobretodo al final de la direccion, ex: C:/Users/Username/Documents/GitHub/CustomRL/
    $config['server_path'] = 'C:/Users/HectorJasso/Desktop/RL_Custom_13.11/';

    // ------------------------ \\

    // ------------------------ \\
    // Usuario PhpMyAdmin - No utilizar root
    $config['sqlUser'] = 'otserv1';

    // Contraseña PhpMyAdmin
    $config['sqlPassword'] = 'Granuja7292';

    // Nombre de la base de datos PhpMyAdmin
    $config['sqlDatabase'] = 'otserv';

    // Direccion del HOST, en caso es, en raros casos se pone localhost
    $config['sqlHost'] = '';

    // QR Codigo, funcional unicamente para TFS 1.2+
    $config['twoFactorAuthenticator'] = false;
    // Podeis utilizar la applicacion "authy" en los mobiles

    /* Funcion de Hora
        - getClock() = returns current time in numbers.
        - getClock(time(), true) = returns current time in formatted date
        - getClock(false, true) = same as above
        - getClock(false, true, false) = get current time, don't adjust timezone
        - echo getClock($profile_data['lastlogin'], true); = from characterprofile,
        explains when user was last logged in. */
    function getClock($time = false, $format = false, $adjust = true) {
        if ($time === false) $time = time();
        // Date string representation
        $date = "d F Y (H:i)"; // 15 July 2013 (13:50)
        if ($adjust) $adjust = (1 * 3600); // Adjust to fit your timezone.
        else $adjust = 0;
        if ($format) return date($date, $time+$adjust);
        else return $time+$adjust;

    // ------------------- \\
    // Configuraciones extras del servidor \\
    // ------------------- \\
    // Activar las quests
    $config['EnableQuests'] = false;

    // array for filling questlog (Questid, max value, name, end of the quest fill 1 for the last part 0 for all others)
    $config['quests'] = array(
        array(1501,100,"Killing in the Name of",0),
        array(1502,150,"Killing in the Name of",0),
        array(65001,100,"Killing in the Name of",0),
        array(65002,150,"Killing in the Name of",0),
        array(65003,300,"Killing in the Name of",0),
        array(65004,3,"Killing in the Name of",0),
        array(65005,300,"Killing in the Name of",0),
        array(65006,150,"Killing in the Name of",0),
        array(65007,200,"Killing in the Name of",0),
        array(65008,300,"Killing in the Name of",0),
        array(65009,300,"Killing in the Name of",0),
        array(65010,300,"Killing in the Name of",0),
        array(65011,300,"Killing in the Name of",0),
        array(65012,300,"Killing in the Name of",0),
        array(65013,300,"Killing in the Name of",0),
        array(65014,300,"Killing in the Name of",1),
        array(12110,2,"The Inquisition",0),
        array(12111,7,"The Inquisition",0),
        array(12112,3,"The Inquisition",0),
        array(12113,6,"The Inquisition",0),
        array(12114,3,"The Inquisition",0),
        array(12115,3,"The Inquisition",0),
        array(12116,3,"The Inquisition",0),
        array(12117,5,"The Inquisition",1),
        array(330,3,"Sam's Old Backpack",1),
        array(12121,3,"The Ape City",0),
        array(12122,5,"The Ape City",0),
        array(12123,3,"The Ape City",0),
        array(12124,3,"The Ape City",0),
        array(12125,3,"The Ape City",0),
        array(12126,3,"The Ape City",0),
        array(12127,4,"The Ape City",0),
        array(12128,3,"The Ape City",0),
        array(12129,3,"The Ape City",1),
        array(12101,1,"The Ancient Tombs",0),
        array(12102,1,"The Ancient Tombs",0),
        array(12103,1,"The Ancient Tombs",0),
        array(12104,1,"The Ancient Tombs",0),
        array(12105,1,"The Ancient Tombs",0),
        array(12106,1,"The Ancient Tombs",0),
        array(12107,1,"The Ancient Tombs",1),
        array(12022,3,"Barbarian Test Quest",0),
        array(12022,3,"Barbarian Test Quest",0),
        array(12022,3,"Barbarian Test Quest",1),
        array(12025,3,"The Ice Islands Quest",0),
        array(12026,5,"The Ice Islands Quest",0),
        array(12027,3,"The Ice Islands Quest",0),
        array(12028,2,"The Ice Islands Quest",0),
        array(12029,6,"The Ice Islands Quest",0),
        array(12030,8,"The Ice Islands Quest",0),
        array(12031,3,"The Ice Islands Quest",0),
        array(12032,4,"The Ice Islands Quest",0),
        array(12033,2,"The Ice Islands Quest",0),
        array(12034,2,"The Ice Islands Quest",0),
        array(12035,2,"The Ice Islands Quest",0),
        array(12036,6,"The Ice Islands Quest",1),

    // Achievements based on "" (TFS 1.x)
    $config['Ach'] = false;
    $config['achievements'] = array(
        300001 => array(
            'Allow Cookies?',
            'With a perfectly harmless smile you fooled all of those wicecrackers into eating your exploding cookies. Consider a boy or girl scout outfit next time to make the trick even better.',
            'points' => '10', // 1-3 points (1 star), 4-6 points (2 stars), 7-9 points(3 stars), 10 points => (4 stars)
            'secret' => true // show "secret" badge

    // TFS 1.x powergamers y top online jugadores ( ver en la carpeta lua TFS_10 para los scripts o reportarse en el foro para el script powergamers )
    $config['powergamers'] = array(
        'enabled' => true, // true / false para activar
        'limit' => 5, // El limite de mostrar, 5

    $config['toponline'] = array(
        'enabled' => true, // true/false para activar
        'limit' => 5, // Numero de jugadores que mostrara

    // Vocations IDS
    $config['vocations'] = array(
        0 => array(
            'name' => 'No vocation',
            'fromVoc' => false
        1 => array(
            'name' => 'Sorcerer',
            'fromVoc' => false
        2 => array(
            'name' => 'Druid',
            'fromVoc' => false
        3 => array(
            'name' => 'Paladin',
            'fromVoc' => false
        4 => array(
            'name' => 'Knight',
            'fromVoc' => false
        5 => array(
            'name' => 'Master Sorcerer',
            'fromVoc' => 1
        6 => array(
            'name' => 'Elder Druid',
            'fromVoc' => 2
        7 => array(
            'name' => 'Royal Paladin',
            'fromVoc' => 3
        8 => array(
            'name' => 'Elite Knight',
            'fromVoc' => 4

    /* Vocation stat gains per level
        - Ordered by vocation ID
        - Currently used for admin_skills page. */
    $config['vocations_gain'] = array(
        0 => array(
            'hp' => 5,
            'mp' => 5,
            'cap' => 10
        1 => array(
            'hp' => 5,
            'mp' => 30,
            'cap' => 10
        2 => array(
            'hp' => 5,
            'mp' => 30,
            'cap' => 10
        3 => array(
            'hp' => 10,
            'mp' => 15,
            'cap' => 20
        4 => array(
            'hp' => 15,
            'mp' => 5,
            'cap' => 25
        5 => array(
            'hp' => 5,
            'mp' => 30,
            'cap' => 10
        6 => array(
            'hp' => 5,
            'mp' => 30,
            'cap' => 10
        7 => array(
            'hp' => 10,
            'mp' => 15,
            'cap' => 20
        8 => array(
            'hp' => 15,
            'mp' => 5,
            'cap' => 25
    // Towns ID
    $config['towns'] = array(
        1 => 'Dawnport Tutorial',
        2 => 'Dawnport',
        3 => 'Rookgaard',
        4 => 'Island of Destiny',
        5 => 'Ab\'Dendriel',
        6 => 'Carlin',
        7 => 'Kazordoon',
        8 => 'Thais',

    $config['houseConfig'] = array(
        'HouseListDefaultTown' => 8, // Default town id to display when visting house list page page.
        'minimumBidSQM' => 700, // Minimum bid cost on auction (per SQM)
        'auctionPeriod' => 24 * 60 * 60, // 24 hours auction time.
        'housesPerPlayer' => 1,
        'requirePremium' => true,
        'levelToBuyHouse' => 20,
        // Instant buy with shop points
        'shopPoints' => array(
            'enabled' => false,
            // SQM count => points cost
            'cost' => array(
                1 => 10,
                25 => 15,
                60 => 25,
                100 => 30,
                200 => 40,
                300 => 50,

    // Leave on black square in map and player should get teleported to their selected town.
    // If chars get buggy set this position to a beginner location to force players there.
    $config['default_pos'] = array(
        'x' => 5,
        'y' => 5,
        'z' => 2,

    $config['war_status'] = array(
        0 => 'Pending',
        1 => 'Accepted',
        2 => 'Rejected',
        3 => 'Canceled',
        4 => 'Ended by kill limit',
        5 => 'Ended',

    /* -- SUB PAGES --
        Some custom layouts/templates have custom pages, they can use
        this sub page functionality for that.
    $config['allowSubPages'] = true;

    // ---------------- \\
    // Create Character \\
    // ---------------- \\

    // Maximo de chares por cuenta
    $config['max_characters'] = 8;

    // Available character vocation users can choose (specify vocation ID).
    $config['available_vocations'] = array(0);

    // Nueva Cuenta town disponible
    // Town IDs are the ones from $config['towns'] array
    $config['available_towns'] = array(1);

    $config['player'] = array(
        'base' => array(
            'level' => 1,
            'health' => 185,
            'mana' => 90,
            'cap' => 650,
            'soul' => 100
        // Vida , skills y level del nuevo jugador
        'create' => array(
            'level' => 1,
            'novocation' => array( // Vocation id 0 (No vocation) special settings
                'level' => 1,
                'forceTown' => true,
                'townId' => 1 // Town en la que empezara el player no vocation
            'skills' => array( // See $config['vocations'] for proper vocation names of these IDs
                // No vocation
                0 => array(
                    'magic' => 0,
                    'fist' => 10,
                    'club' => 10,
                    'axe' => 10,
                    'sword' => 10,
                    'dist' => 10,
                    'shield' => 10,
                    'fishing' => 10,
                // Sorcerer
                1 => array(
                    'magic' => 0,
                    'fist' => 10,
                    'club' => 10,
                    'axe' => 10,
                    'sword' => 10,
                    'dist' => 10,
                    'shield' => 10,
                    'fishing' => 10,
                // Druid
                2 => array(
                    'magic' => 0,
                    'fist' => 10,
                    'club' => 10,
                    'axe' => 10,
                    'sword' => 10,
                    'dist' => 10,
                    'shield' => 10,
                    'fishing' => 10,
                // Paladin
                3 => array(
                    'magic' => 0,
                    'fist' => 10,
                    'club' => 10,
                    'axe' => 10,
                    'sword' => 10,
                    'dist' => 10,
                    'shield' => 10,
                    'fishing' => 10,
                // Knight
                4 => array(
                    'magic' => 0,
                    'fist' => 10,
                    'club' => 10,
                    'axe' => 10,
                    'sword' => 10,
                    'dist' => 10,
                    'shield' => 10,
                    'fishing' => 10,
            'male_outfit' => array(
                'id' => 128,
                'head' => 78,
                'body' => 68,
                'legs' => 58,
                'feet' => 76
            'female_outfit' => array(
                'id' => 136,
                'head' => 78,
                'body' => 68,
                'legs' => 58,
                'feet' => 76

    // Minimum allowed letters in character name. Ex: 4 letters: "Kare".
    $config['minL'] = 4;
    // Maximum allowed letters in character name. Ex: 20 letters: "Bobkareolesofiesberg"
    $config['maxL'] = 20;
    // Maximum allowed words in character name. Ex: 2 words = "Bob Kare", 3 words: "Bob Arne Kare" as maximum char name words.
    $config['maxW'] = 3;

    // -------------- \\
    // WEBSITE STUFF  \\
    // -------------- \\

    // News to be displayed per page
    $config['news_per_page'] = 5;

    // Enable or disable changelog ticker in news page.
    $config['UseChangelogTicker'] = true;

    // Highscore configuration
    $config['highscore'] = array(
        'rows' => 100,
        'rowsPerPage' => 20,
        'ignoreGroupId' => 2, // Ignore this and higher group ids (staff)

    // ONLY FOR TFS 0.2 (TFS 0.3/4 users don't need to care about this, as its fully loaded from db)
    $config['house'] = array(
        'house_file' => 'C:\test\Mystic Spirit_0.2.5\data\world\forgotten-house.xml',
        'price_sqm' => '50', // price per house sqm

    $config['delete_character_interval'] = '2 HOUR'; // Delay after user character delete request is executed, ex: 1 DAY, 2 HOUR, 3 MONTH etc.

    $config['validate_IP'] = false;
    $config['salt'] = false;

    // Restricted names
    $config['invalidNameTags'] = array(
        "owner", "gamemaster", "hoster", "admin", "staff", "tibia", "account", "god", "hitler", "cm", "gm", "game master", "anal", "anus", "arse", "ass", "asses", "assfucker", "assfukka", "asshole", "arsehole", "asswhole", "assmunch", "ballsack", "wanky", "whore", "whoar", "xxx", "xx", "yaoi", "yury", "bastard", "beastial", "bestial", "bellend", "bdsm", "beastiality", "bestiality", "bitch", "bitches", "bitchin", "bitching", "bimbo", "bimbos", "blow job", "blowjob", "blowjobs", "blue waffle", "boob", "boobs", "booobs", "boooobs", "booooobs", "booooooobs", "breasts", "booty call", "brown shower", "brown showers", "boner", "bondage", "buceta", "bukake", "bukkake", "bullshit", "bull shit", "busty", "butthole", "carpet muncher", "cawk", "chink", "cipa", "clit", "clits", "clitoris", "cnut", "cock", "cocks", "cockface", "cockhead", "cockmunch", "cockmuncher", "cocksuck", "cocksucked", "cocksucking", "cocksucks", "cocksucker", "cokmuncher", "coon", "cow girl", "cow girls", "cowgirl", "cowgirls", "crap", "crotch", "cum", "cummer", "cumming", "cuming", "cums", "cumshot", "cunilingus", "cunillingus", "cunnilingus", "cunt", "cuntlicker", "cuntlicking", "cunts", "damn", "dick", "dickhead", "dildo", "dildos", "dink", "dinks", "deepthroat", "deep throat", "dog style", "doggie style", "doggiestyle", "doggy style", "doggystyle", "donkeyribber", "doosh", "douche", "duche", "dyke", "ejaculate", "ejaculated", "ejaculates", "ejaculating", "ejaculatings", "ejaculation", "ejakulate", "erotic", "erotism", "fag", "faggot", "fagging", "faggit", "faggitt", "faggs", "fagot", "fagots", "fags", "fatass", "femdom", "fingering", "footjob", "foot job", "fuck", "fucks", "fucker", "fuckers", "fucked", "fuckhead", "fuckheads", "fuckin", "fucking", "fcuk", "fcuker", "fcuking", "felching", "fellate", "fellatio", "fingerfuck", "fingerfucked", "fingerfucker", "fingerfuckers", "fingerfucking", "fingerfucks", "fistfuck", "fistfucked", "fistfucker", "fistfuckers", "fistfucking", "fistfuckings", "fistfucks", "flange", "fook", "fooker", "fucka", "fuk", "fuks", "fuker", "fukker", "fukkin", "fukking", "futanari", "futanary", "gangbang", "gangbanged", "gang bang", "gokkun", "golden shower", "goldenshower", "gaysex", "goatse", "handjob", "hand job", "hentai", "hooker", "hoer", "homo", "horny", "incest", "jackoff", "jack off", "jerkoff", "jerk off", "jizz", "knob", "kinbaku", "labia", "masturbate", "masochist", "mofo", "mothafuck", "motherfuck", "motherfucker", "mothafucka", "mothafuckas", "mothafuckaz", "mothafucked", "mothafucker", "mothafuckers", "mothafuckin", "mothafucking", "mothafuckings", "mothafucks", "mother fucker", "motherfucked", "motherfucker", "motherfuckers", "motherfuckin", "motherfucking", "motherfuckings", "motherfuckka", "motherfucks", "milf", "muff", "negro", "nigga", "nigger", "nigg", "nipple", "nipples", "nob", "nob  jokey", "nobhead", "nobjocky", "nobjokey", "numbnuts", "nutsack", "nude", "nudes", "orgy", "orgasm", "orgasms", "panty", "panties", "penis", "playboy", "pinto", "porn", "porno", "pornography", "pron", "punheta", "pussy", "pussies", "****************************", "rape", "raping", "rapist", "rectum", "retard", "rimming", "sadist", "sadism", "schlong", "scrotum", "*********************", "semen", "shemale", "she male", "shibari", "shibary", "shit", "shitdick", "shitfuck", "shitfull", "shithead", "shiting", "shitings", "shits", "shitted", "shitters", "shitting", "shittings", "shitty", "shota", "skank", "slut", "sluts", "smut", "smegma", "spunk", "strip club", "stripclub", "tit", "tits", "titties", "titty", "titfuck", "tittiefucker", "titties", "tittyfuck", "tittywank", "titwank", "threesome", "three some", "throating", "twat", "twathead", "twatty", "twunt", "viagra", "vagina", "vulva", "viado", "wank", "wanker",
    // Comment out the line bellow if you want to allow players to use creature names:
        "acolyte of the cult", "adept of the cult", "amazon", "ancient scarab", "arachnophobica", "assassin", "azure frog", "badger", "bandit", "banshee", "barbarian bloodwalker", "barbarian brutetamer", "barbarian headsplitter", "barbarian skullhunter", "bat", "bear", "behemoth", "betrayed wraith", "biting book", "black knight", "black sphinx acolyte", "blightwalker", "blood beast", "blood crab", "blood hand", "blood priest", "blue djinn", "boar", "bog frog", "bog raider", "bonebeast", "bonelord", "boogy", "brain squid", "braindeath", "breach brood", "brimstone bug", "burning book", "burning gladiator", "burster spectre", "carniphila", "carrion worm", "cave devourer", "centipede", "chakoya toolshaper", "chakoya tribewarden", "chakoya windcaller", "choking fear", "clay guardian", "clomp", "cobra", "coral frog", "corym charlatan", "corym skirmisher", "corym vanguard", "crab", "crazed beggar", "crazed summer rearguard", "crazed summer vanguard", "crazed winter rearguard", "crazed winter vanguard", "crimson frog", "crocodile", "crypt defiler", "crypt shambler", "crypt warden", "crystal spider", "crystalcrusher", "cult believer", "cult enforcer", "cult scholar", "cyclops", "cyclops drone", "cyclops smith", "dark apprentice", "dark faun", "dark magician", "dark monk", "dark torturer", "dawnfire asura", "death blob", "deathling scout", "deathling spellsinger", "deepling guard", "deepling scout", "deepling spellsinger", "deepling warrior", "deepling worker", "deepworm", "defiler", "demon outcast", "demon skeleton", "demon", "destroyer", "devourer", "diabolic imp", "diamond servant", "diremaw", "dragon hatchling", "dragon lord hatchling", "dragon lord", "dragon", "draken abomination", "draken elite", "draken spellweaver", "draken warmaster", "dread intruder", "drillworm", "dwarf geomancer", "dwarf guard", "dwarf henchman", "dwarf soldier", "dwarf", "dworc fleshhunter", "dworc venomsniper", "dworc voodoomaster", "earth elemental", "efreet", "elder bonelord", "elder wyrm", "elephant", "elf arcanist", "elf scout", "elf", "emerald damselfly", "energetic book", "energy elemental", "enfeebled silencer", "enlightened of the cult", "enraged crystal golem", "eternal guardian", "falcon knight", "falcon paladin", "faun", "fire devil", "fire elemental", "firestarter", "forest fury", "fox", "frazzlemaw", "frost dragon hatchling", "frost dragon", "frost flower asura", "fury", "gargoyle", "gazer spectre", "ghastly dragon", "ghost", "ghoul", "giant spider", "gladiator", "gloom wolf", "glooth bandit", "glooth blob", "glooth brigand", "glooth golem", "gnarlhound", "guzzlemaw", "hand of cursed fate", "haunted treeling", "hellhound", "hellflayer", "hellfire fighter", "hellspawn", "hero", "honour guard", "hunter", "hydra", "ice golem", "ice witch", "infernalist", "juggernaut", "killer caiman", "kongra", "lancer beetle", "lamassu", "lich", "lizard chosen", "lizard dragon priest", "lizard high guard", "lizard legionnaire", "lizard sentinel", "lizard snakecharmer", "lizard templar", "lizard zaogun", "lost soul", "lumbering carnivor", "mad scientist", "mammoth", "marid", "marsh stalker", "medusa", "menacing carnivor", "mercury blob", "merlkin", "metal gargoyle", "midnight asura", "minotaur amazon", "minotaur archer", "minotaur cult follower", "minotaur cult prophet", "minotaur cult zealot", "minotaur guard", "minotaur hunter", "minotaur mage", "minotaur", "monk", "mooh'tah warrior", "moohtant", "mummy", "mutated bat", "mutated human", "mutated rat", "mutated tiger", "necromancer", "nightmare scion", "nightmare", "nightstalker", "nomad", "novice of the cult ", "nymph", "omnivora", "orc berserker", "orc leader", "orc rider", "orc shaman", "orc warlord", "orc warrior", "orc", "pirate buccaneer", "pirate corsair", "pirate cutthroat", "pirate ghost", "pirate marauder", "pirate skeleton", "pixie", "plaguesmith", "priestess", "pooka", "ravenous lava lurker", "renegade knight", "retching horror", "ripper spectre", "roaring lion", "rot elemental", "rotworm", "rustheap golem", "scarab", "scorpion", "sea serpent", "serpent spawn", "sibang", "silencer", "skeleton elite warrior", "souleater", "spectre", "spiky carnivor", "stone golem", "stonerefiner", "swamp troll", "tarantula", "terramite", "thornback tortoise", "toad", "tortoise", "twisted pooka", "undead elite gladiator", "undead gladiator", "valkyrie", "vampire bride", "vampire viscount", "vampire", "vexclaw", "vicious squire", "vile grandmaster", "vulcongra", "wailing widow", "war golem", "war wolf", "warlock", "wasp", "water elemental", "weakened frazzlemaw", "werebadger", "werebear", "wereboar", "werefox", "werewolf", "worm priestess", "wolf", "wyrm", "wyvern", "yielothax", "young sea serpent", "zombie", "adult goanna", "black sphinx acolyte", "burning gladiator", "cobra assassin", "cobra scout", "cobra vizier", "crypt warden", "feral sphinx", "lamassu", "manticore", "ogre rowdy", "ogre ruffian", "ogre sage", "priestess of the wild sun", "sphinx", "sun-marked goanna", "young goanna", "cursed prospector", "evil prospector", "flimsy lost soul", "freakish lost soul", "mean lost soul", "a shielded astral glyph", "abyssador", "an astral glyph", "ascending ferumbras", "annihilon", "apocalypse", "apprentice sheng", "arachir the ancient one", "armenius", "azerus", "barbaria", "baron brute", "battlemaster zunzu", "bazir", "big boss trolliver", "bones", "boogey", "bretzecutioner", "brokul", "bruise payne", "brutus bloodbeard", "bullwark", "chizzoron the distorter", "coldheart", "countess sorrow", "deadeye devious", "deathbine", "deathstrike", "demodras", "dharalion", "diblis the fair", "dirtbeard", "diseased bill", "diseased dan", "diseased fred", "doomhowl", "dracola", "dreadwing", "ekatrix", "energized raging mage", "esmeralda", "ethershreck", "evil mastermind", "fatality", "fazzrah", "fernfang", "feroxa", "ferumbras", "flameborn", "fleshcrawler", "fleshslicer", "fluffy", "foreman kneebiter", "freegoiz", "fury of the emperor", "furyosa", "gaz'haragoth", "general murius", "ghazbaran", "glitterscale", "gnomevil", "golgordan", "grand mother foulscale", "groam", "grorlam", "gorgo", "hairman the huge", "haunter", "hellgorak", "hemming", "heoni", "hide", "hirintror", "horadron", "horestis", "incineron", "infernatil", "inky", "jaul", "kerberos", "koshei the deathless", "kraknaknork's demon", "kraknaknork", "kroazur", "latrivan", "lethal lissy", "leviathan", "lisa", "lizard abomination", "lord of the elements", "mad mage", "mad technomancer", "madareth", "man in the cave", "massacre", "mawhawk", "menace", "mephiles", "minishabaal", "monstor", "morgaroth", "morik the gladiator", "mr. punish", "munster", "mutated zalamon", "necropharus", "obujos", "orshabaal", "paiz the pauperizer", "raging mage", "ribstride", "rocko", "ron the ripper", "rottie the rotworm", "rotworm queen", "scarlett etzel", "scorn of the emperor", "shardhead", "sharptooth", "sir valorcrest", "snake god essence", "snake thing", "spider queen", "spite of the emperor", "splasher", "stonecracker", "sulphur scuttler", "tanjis", "terofar", "teleskor", "the abomination", "the axeorcist", "the blightfather", "the bloodtusk", "the bloodweb", "the book of death", "the collector", "the count", "the weakened count", "the dreadorian", "the evil eye", "the frog prince", "the handmaiden", "the horned fox", "the keeper", "the imperor", "the many", "the noxious spawn", "the old widow", "the pale count", "the plasmother", "the snapper", "the distorted astral source", "the astral source", "thul", "tiquandas revenge", "tirecz", "tyrn", "tormentor", "tremorak", "tromphonyte", "ungreez", "ushuriel", "verminor", "versperoth", "warlord ruzad", "white pale", "wrath of the emperor", "xenia", "yaga the crone", "yakchal", "zanakeph", "zavarash", "zevelon duskbringer", "zomba", "zoralurk", "zugurosh", "zushuka", "zulazza the corruptor", "glooth bomb", "bibby bloodbath", "doctor perhaps", "mooh'tah master", "the welter"

    // Use guild logo system
    $config['use_guild_logos'] = true;

    // Use country flags
    $config['country_flags'] = array(
        'enabled' => true,
        'highscores' => true,
        'onlinelist' => true,
        'characterprofile' => true,
        'server' => ''

    // Animated Outfits, no tocar la URL esta correcta
    $config['show_outfits'] = array(
        'shop' => true,
        'highscores' => true,
        'characterprofile' => true,
        'onlinelist' => true,
        // Image server may be unreliable and only for test,
        // host yourself:
        'imageServer' => ''

    // Show advanced inventory data in character profile
    $config['EQ_shower'] = array(
        'enabled' => true,
        'equipment' => true,
        'skills' => true,
        'outfits' => true,
        // Player storage (storage_value + outfitId)
        // used to see if player has outfit.
        // see Lua scripts folder for otserv code
        'storage_value' => 10000

    // Level requirement to create guild? (Just set it to 1 to allow all levels).
    $config['create_guild_level'] = 10;

    // Change Gender can be purchased in shop, or perhaps you want to allow everyone to change gender for free?
    $config['free_sex_change'] = false;

    // Do you need to have premium account to create a guild?
    $config['guild_require_premium'] = true;

    // There is a TFS 1.3 bug related to guild nicks
    // So if your using TFS 1.x, you might need to disable guild nicks until the crash has been fixed.
    $config['guild_allow_nicknames'] = true;

    $config['guildwar_enabled'] = false;

    // Use htaccess rewrite? (basically this makes work instead of
    // Linux users needs to enable mod_rewrite php extention to make it work properly, so set it to false if your lost and using Linux.
    $config['htwrite'] = true;

    // What client version and server port are you using on this OT?
    // Used for the Downloads page.
    $config['client'] = 1311; // 954 = client 9.54

    // Link descarga del cliente ( No funcional para este Znote, porqué es totalmente custom ).
    $config['client_download'] = ''. $config['client'] .'.exe';
    $config['client_download_linux'] = ''. $config['client'] .'.tgz';

    $config['port'] = 7171; // Port number to connect to your OT.

    $config['status'] = array(
        'status_check' => false, // Enable or disable status checker
        'status_ip' => '',
        'status_port' => "7171",

    // Gameserver info is used for client 11+ loginWebService
    $config['login_web_service'] = true; // loginWebService for client 11+ enabled?
    $config['gameserver'] = array(
        'ip' => '',
        'port' => 7172,
        'name' => 'CustomRL' // Servername Debe de ser identico que en el config.lua del servidor

    // How often do you want highscores to update?
    $config['cache_lifespan'] = 5; // 60 * 15; // 15 minutes.

    // CUENTA DEL GOD, para que tenga accesso en la pagina web en Admin Panel la cuenta por defecto es god /god
    $config['page_admin_access'] = array(

    // Built-in FORUM
    // Enable forum, enable guildboards, level to create threads/post in them
    // How long do they have to wait to create thread or post?
    // How to design/display hidden/closed/sticky threads.
    $config['forum'] = array(
        'enabled' => true,
        'outfit_avatars' => true, // Show character outfit as forum avatar?
        'player_position' => true, // Show character position? ex: Tutor, Community Manager, God
        'guildboard' => true,
        'level' => 8,
        'cooldownPost' => 1, // 60,
        'cooldownCreate' => 1, // 180,
        'newPostsBumpThreads' => true,
        'hidden' => '<font color="orange">[H]</font>',
        'closed' => '<font color="red">[C]</font>',
        'sticky' => '<font color="green">[S]</font>',

    // Guilds and guild war pages will do lots of queries on bigger databases.
    // So its recommended to require login to view them, but you can disable this
    // If you don't have any problems with load.
    $config['require_login'] = array(
        'guilds' => false,
        'guildwars' => false,

    // Para poder banear a gente, deben de crear un personaje en la cuenta del GOD, que se llame como indicara aqui abajo 'God Website'
    $config['website_char'] = 'God Website';

    // ---------------- \\
    //  ADVANCED STUFF  \\
    // ---------------- \\
    // API config
    $config['api'] = array(
        'debug' => false,

    // we use imgur as image host, and need to register app with them and add client/secret id.
    $config['gallery'] = array(
        'Client Name' => 'ZnoteAAC-Gallery',
        'Client ID' => '4dfcdc4f2cabca6',
        'Client Secret' => '697af737777c99a8c0be07c2f4419aebb2c48ac5'

    // Email Server configurations (SMTP)
    /*    Please consider using a released stable version of PHPMailer or you may run into issues.
        Download PHPMailer:
        Extract to Znote AAC directory (where this config.php file is located)
        Rename the folder to "PHPMailer". Then configure this with your SMTP mail settings from your email provider.
    $config['mailserver'] = array(
        'register' => false, // Send activation mail
        'accountRecovery' => false, // Recover username or password through mail
        'myaccount_verify_email' => false, // Allow user to verify their email in myaccount page
        'verify_email_points' => 0, // 0 = disabled. Give users points reward for verifying their email
        'host' => "", // Outgoing mail server host.
        'securityType' => 'ssl', // ssl or tls
        'port' => 465, // SMTP port number - likely to be 465(ssl) or 587(tls)
        'email' => '',
        'username' => '', // Likely the same as email
        'password' => '', // The password.
        'debug' => false, // Enable debugging if you have problems and are looking for errors.
        'fromName' => $config['site_title'],

    // Don't touch this unless you know what you are doing. (modifying these (key value) also requires modifications in OT files data/XML/groups.xml).
    $config['ingame_positions'] = array(
        1 => 'Player',
        2 => 'Tutor',
        3 => 'Senior Tutor',
        4 => 'Gamemaster',
        5 => 'Community Manager',
        6 => 'God',

    // Enable OS advanced features? false = no, true = yes
    $config['os_enabled'] = false;

    // What kind of computer are you hosting this website on?
    // Available options: LINUX or WINDOWS
    $config['os'] = ZNOTE_OS; // Use 'ZNOTE_OS' to auto-detect

    // Measure how much players are lagging in-game. (Not completed).
    $config['ping'] = false;

    // BAN STUFF - Don't touch this unless you know what you are doing.
    // You can order the lines the way you want, from top to bottom, in which order you
    // wish for them to be displayed in admin panel. Just make sure key[#] represent your description.
    $config['ban_type'] = array(
        4 => 'NOTATION_ACCOUNT',
        2 => 'NAMELOCK_PLAYER',
        3 => 'BAN_ACCOUNT',
        5 => 'DELETE_ACCOUNT',
        1 => 'BAN_IPADDRESS',

    // BAN STUFF - Don't touch this unless you know what you are doing.
    // You can order the lines the way you want, from top to bot, in which order you
    // wish for them to be displayed in admin panel. Just make sure key[#] represent your description.
    $config['ban_action'] = array(
        0 => 'Notation',
        1 => 'Name Report',
        2 => 'Banishment',
        3 => 'Name Report + Banishment',
        4 => 'Banishment + Final Warning',
        5 => 'NR + Ban + FW',
        6 => 'Statement Report',

    // Ban reasons, for changes beside default values to work with client,
    // you also need to edit sources (
    $config['ban_reason'] = array(
        0 => 'Offensive Name',
        1 => 'Invalid Name Format',
        2 => 'Unsuitable Name',
        3 => 'Name Inciting Rule Violation',
        4 => 'Offensive Statement',
        5 => 'Spamming',
        6 => 'Illegal Advertising',
        7 => 'Off-Topic Public Statement',
        8 => 'Non-English Public Statement',
        9 => 'Inciting Rule Violation',
        10 => 'Bug Abuse',
        11 => 'Game Weakness Abuse',
        12 => 'Using Unofficial Software to Play',
        13 => 'Hacking',
        14 => 'Multi-Clienting',
        15 => 'Account Trading or Sharing',
        16 => 'Threatening Gamemaster',
        17 => 'Pretending to Have Influence on Rule Enforcement',
        18 => 'False Report to Gamemaster',
        19 => 'Destructive Behaviour',
        20 => 'Excessive Unjustified Player Killing',
        21 => 'Spoiling Auction',

    // BAN STUFF
    // Ban time duration selection in admin panel
    // seconds => description
    $config['ban_time'] = array(
        3600 => '1 hour',
        21600 => '6 hours',
        43200 => '12 hours',
        86400 => '1 day',
        259200 => '3 days',
        604800 => '1 week',
        1209600 => '2 weeks',
        2592000 => '1 month',

    // --------------- \\
    // --------------- \\
    $config['use_token'] = false;
    // Set up captcha keys on
    $config['use_captcha'] = false;
    $config['captcha_site_key'] = "Site key";
    $config['captcha_secret_key'] = "Secret key";
    $config['captcha_use_curl'] = false; // Set to false if you don't have cURL installed, otherwise set it to true

    // Session prefix, if you are hosting multiple sites, make the session name different to avoid conflict.
    $config['session_prefix'] = 'znote_';

    /*    Store visitor data
        Store visitor data in the database, logging every IP visiting site,
        and how many times they have visited the site. And sometimes what
        they do on the site.

        This helps to prevent POST SPAM (like register 1000 accounts in a few seconds)
        and other things which can stress and slow down the server.

        The only downside is that database can get pretty fed up with much IP data
        if table never gets flushed once in a while. So I highly recommend you
        to configure flush_ip_logs if IPs are logged.
    $config['log_ip'] = false;

    // Flush IP logs each configured seconds, 60 * 15 = 15 minutes.
    // Set to false to entirely disable ip log flush.
    // It is important to flush for optimal performance.
    $config['flush_ip_logs'] = 59 * 27;

    /*    IP SECURTY REQUIRE: $config['log_ip'] = true;
        Configure how tight this security shall be.
        Etc: You can max click on anything/refresh page
        [max activity] 15 times, within time period 10
        seconds. During time_period, you can also only
        register 1 account and 1 character.
    $config['ip_security'] = array(
        'time_period' => 10, // In seconds
        'max_activity' => 10, // page clicks/visits
        'max_post' => 6, // register, create, highscore, character search and such actions
        'max_account' => 1, // register
        'max_character' => 1, // create char
        'max_forum_post' => 1, // create threads and post in forum

    /// PAYPAL ///

    // Indicar el correo paypal, si os aparece phpCURL a la hora de abrir la pagina, debereis de entrar en el php.ini ( si usais xampp ) y desmarcar ;extension=cURL quedaria: extension=cURL , si es en uniserverz el fichero se llama php_production.ini
    // Para terminar con el paypal una vez hecho, ireis en vuestra cuenta paypal > opciones > herramientas de vendedor > Notificacion instantanea > os pedira el IPN, una url que insertar,
    // si su servidor se llama:, indicaran: ipn.php al final importante. http o https, dependiendo si tienen SSL.
    $config['paypal'] = array(
        'enabled' => true,
        'currency' => ' EUR ', // EUR / USD
        'points_per_currency' => 10, // Para calcular el bonus en la web, indicar 1 EUR/USD , cuantos puntos
        'success' => "http://".$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']."/success.php",
        'failed' => "http://".$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']."/failed.php",
        'ipn' => "http://".$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']."/ipn.php",
        'showBonus' => true,

    // Configurar los puntos por precio
    $config['paypal_prices'] = array(
    //    PRECIO => PUNTOS,
        5 => 50,
        10 => 100,
        15 => 180,
        20 => 400,
        30 => 675,
        50 => 1200,

    /// PAGSEGURO ///

    // Write your pagseguro address here, and what currency you want to receive money in.
    $config['pagseguro'] = array(
        'enabled' => false,
        'sandbox' => false,
        'email' => '', // Example:
        'token' => '',
        'currency' => 'BRL',
        'product_name' => '',
        'price' => 100, // 1 real
        'ipn' => "http://".$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']."/pagseguro_ipn.php",
        'urls' => array(
            'www' => '',
            'ws'  => '',
            'stc' => ''

    if ($config['pagseguro']['sandbox']) {
        $config['pagseguro']['urls'] = array_map(function ($item) {
            return str_replace('pagseguro', 'sandbox.pagseguro', $item);
        }, $config['pagseguro']['urls']);

    /// PAYGOL SMS ///
    // !!! Paygol takes 60%~ of the money, and send aprox 40% to your paypal.
    // You can configure paygol to send each month, then they will send money
    // to you 1 month after receiving 50+ eur.
    $config['paygol'] = array(
        'enabled' => false,
        'serviceID' => 86648, // Service ID from
        'secretKey' => 'xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx', // Secret key from Never share your secret key
        'currency' => 'SEK',
        'price' => 20,
        'points' => 20,
        'name' => '20 points',
        'returnURL' => "http://".$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']."/success.php",
        'cancelURL' => "http://".$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']."/failed.php"

    /// SHOP ///
    // SHOP System, si estan utilizando el shop system, verifiquen que tengan un archivo llamado shop.lua en data/scripts/talkactions/players
    // Una vez comprado el item utilizar el comando !Shop en el juego
    $config['shop'] = array(
        'enabled' => true,
        'loginToView' => true, // Necessita registrarse para ver el shop ?
        'enableShopConfirmation' => true, // Indicar si quiere comprar con un popup
        'useDB' => true, // Fetch offers from database, or the below config array
        'showImage' => true,
        'imageServer' => '', // Imagenes desde el link official 12.85 -- Puede variar muchissimo dependiendo el servidor. Aconsejo descargar la carpeta y agregar sus propios items. Para indicar la url sera simple, miserver/items
        'imageType' => 'gif',

    /// Let players sell, buy and bid on characters.
    /// Creates a deeper shop economy, encourages players to spend more money in shop for points.
    /// Pay to win/progress mechanic, but also lets people who can barely afford points to gain it
    /// by leveling characters to sell. It can also discourages illegal/risky third-party account
    /// services. Since players can buy officially & support the server, dodgy competitors have to sell for cheaper.
    /// Without admin interference this is organic to each individual community economy inflation.
    $config['shop_auction'] = array(
        'characterAuction' => true, // Enable/disable this system
        // Account ID of the account that stores players in the auction.
        // Make sure storage account has a very secure password!
        'storage_account_id' => 3, // Separate secure account ID, not your GM.
        'step' => 5, // Minimum amount someone can raise a bid by
        'step_duration' => 1 * 60 * 60, // When bidding over someone else, extend bid period by 1 hour.
        'lowestLevel' => 20, // Minimum level of sold character
        'lowestPrice' => 10, // Lowest donation points a char can be sold for.
        'biddingDuration' => 0, // = 1 day, 0 to disable bidding
        'deposit' => 10 // Seller has to add 10=10% deposit to auction which he gets back later.

    //// SHOP ITEMS ////
    //// Pueden modificarlos, esto es solo una base para que no tengais que escribirlo todo vosotros mismos, disfrutenlo /////
        type 1 = Items
        type 2 = Premium days
        type 3 = Change character gender
        type 4 = Change character name
        type 5 = Buy outfit (put outfit id as itemid),
        (put addon id as count [0 = nothing, 1 = first addon, 2 = second addon, 3 = both addons])
        type 6 = Buy mount (put mount id as itemid)
        type 7 = Buy house (hardcoded in the house system, type used for data log)
        type 8+ = custom coded stuff
    $config['shop_offers'] = array(
        1 => array(
            'type' => 1,
            'itemid' => 3043, // item to get in-game
            'count' => 5, // Stack number (5x itemid)
            'description' => "5 x Crystal coin", // Description shown on website
            'points' => 100, // How many points this offer costs
        2 => array(
            'type' => 1,
            'itemid' => 3280,
            'count' => 1,
            'description' => "Fire sword",
            'points' => 10,
        7 => array(
            'type' => 5,
            'itemid' => [132, 140], // Outfit ID
            'count' => 3, // Addon 0 = none, 1 = first, 2 = second, 3 = both
            'description' => "Noble outfit with both addons",
            'points' => 20,
        8 => array(
            'type' => 6,
            'itemid' => 32, // Mount ID
            'count' => 1,
            'description' => "Gnarlhound mount",
            'points' => 20,
        9 => array(
            'type' => 6,
            'itemid' => 17,
            'count' => 1,
            'description' => "War horse",
            'points' => 20,

    /// voting
    // Start by creating an account at and add your server.
    // You can find your secret token by logging in on and go to 'MY SERVER' then 'Encourage players to vote'.
    $config['otservers_eu_voting'] = [
        'enabled' => false,
        'simpleVoteUrl' => '', // This url is used if the player isn't logged in.
        'voteUrl' => '',
        'voteCheckUrl' => '',
        'secretToken' => '', // Enter your secret token. Do not share with anyone!
        'landingPage' => '/voting.php?action=reward', // The user will be redirected to this page after voting
        'points' => '1' // Amount of points to give as reward
Código Lua:
-- Core settings
-- Note: If you want to use datapack folder canary (custom), put only "data-canary"
-- If you want to use the global datapack folder, put "data-real-global"
-- If "useAnyDatapackFolder" is set to true then you can choose any datapack folder for your server
useAnyDatapackFolder = true
dataPackDirectory = "data-real-map"
-- Don't change this unless you know what you're doing
coreDirectory = "data"

-- Combat settings
-- NOTE: valid values for worldType are: "pvp", "no-pvp" and "pvp-enforced"
worldType = "no-pvp"
hotkeyAimbotEnabled = true
protectionLevel = 7
pzLocked = 60 * 1000
removeChargesFromRunes = true
removeChargesFromPotions = true
removeWeaponAmmunition = false
removeWeaponCharges = false
timeToDecreaseFrags = 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000
whiteSkullTime = 15 * 60 * 1000
stairJumpExhaustion = 2 * 1000
experienceByKillingPlayers = false
expFromPlayersLevelRange = 75
dayKillsToRedSkull = 3
weekKillsToRedSkull = 5
monthKillsToRedSkull = 10
redSkullDuration = 1
blackSkullDuration = 3
orangeSkullDuration = 7

onlyInvitedCanMoveHouseItems = true
cleanProtectionZones = false

-- Connection Config
-- NOTE: maxPlayers set to 0 means no limit
-- NOTE: MaxPacketsPerSeconds if you change you will be subject to bugs by WPE, keep the default value of 25
ip = ""
bindOnlyGlobalAddress = false
loginProtocolPort = 7171
gameProtocolPort = 7172
statusProtocolPort = 7171
maxPlayers = 100
serverName = "CustomRL"
serverMotd = "Welcome to Custom Real Map"
onePlayerOnlinePerAccount = true
allowClones = false
statusTimeout = 5 * 1000
replaceKickOnLogin = true
maxPacketsPerSecond = 25
maxItem = 2000
maxContainer = 100

-- Packet Compression
-- Minimize network bandwith and reduce ping
-- Levels: 0 = disabled, 1 = best speed, 9 = best compression
packetCompressionLevel = 6

-- Depot Limit
freeDepotLimit = 2000
premiumDepotLimit = 10000
depotBoxes = 20

-- Prey system
-- NOTE: preyRerollPricePerLevel: Price multiplier in gold coin for rerolling prey list.
-- NOTE: preySelectListPrice: Price to manually select creature on list and to lock prey slot.
-- NOTE: preyBonusRerollPrice: Price to manually reroll bonus type and to enable automatic reroll.
-- NOTE: preyBonusTime: Time in seconds that players will have of prey bonus.
-- NOTE: preyFreeRerollTime: Time in seconds that players will have to wait to get a new free prey list.
preySystemEnabled = true
preyFreeThirdSlot = false
preyRerollPricePerLevel = 200
preySelectListPrice = 5
preyBonusRerollPrice = 1
preyBonusTime = 2 * 60 * 60
preyFreeRerollTime = 20 * 60 * 60

-- Task hunting system
-- NOTE: taskHuntingLimitedTasksExhaust: Time to wait to select a new creature on the task hunting slot after claiming the reward.
-- NOTE: taskHuntingRerollPricePerLevel: Price multiplier in gold coin for rerolling task hunting list.
-- NOTE: taskHuntingFreeRerollTime: Time in seconds that players will have to wait to get a new free task hunting list.
taskHuntingSystemEnabled = true
taskHuntingFreeThirdSlot = false
taskHuntingLimitedTasksExhaust = 20 * 60 * 60
taskHuntingRerollPricePerLevel = 200
taskHuntingSelectListPrice = 5
taskHuntingBonusRerollPrice = 1
taskHuntingFreeRerollTime = 20 * 60 * 60

-- Forge system
-- NOTE: forgeAmountMultiplier, amount dusts multiplies of influenced monsters, default 3
-- NOTE: forgeMinSlivers, min slivers from influenced monsters
-- NOTE: forgeMaxSlivers, max slivers from influenced monsters
-- NOTE: forgeInfluencedLimit, limit of influenced monsters that will be created in interval type and time
-- NOTE: forgeFiendishLimit, limit of diabolic monsters that will be created in interval type and time, less than forgeInfluencedLimit
-- NOTE: forgeFiendishIntervalType: "hour", "minute" or "second"
forgeMaxItemTier = 10
forgeCostOneSliver = 20
forgeSliverAmount = 3
forgeCoreCost = 50
forgeMaxDust = 225
forgeFusionCost = 100
forgeTransferCost = 100
forgeBaseSuccessRate = 50
forgeBonusSuccessRate = 15
forgeTierLossReduction = 50
forgeAmountMultiplier = 3
forgeMinSlivers = 3
forgeMaxSlivers = 7
forgeInfluencedLimit = 3000
forgeFiendishLimit = 3
forgeFiendishIntervalType = "hour"
forgeFiendishIntervalTime = "1"

-- Bestiary & Bosstiary system
-- NOTE: bestiaryKillMultiplier, multiplier value of monster killed, default 1
-- NOTE: bosstiaryKillMultiplier, multiplier value of boss killed, default 1
bestiaryKillMultiplier = 25
bosstiaryKillMultiplier = 20
bestiaryRateCharmShopPrice  = 1.0
boostedBossSlot = true
boostedBossLootBonus = 250
boostedBossKillBonus = 3

--- Hazard System
hazardSystem_enable = true
hazardSystem_spawnPlunderMultiplier = 25
hazardSystem_podsDamage = 5
hazardSystem_lootBonusMultiplier = 2
hazardSystem_expBonusMultiplier = 2
hazardSystem_podsTimeToSpawn = 4000
hazardSystem_podsTimeToDamage = 2000
hazardSystem_podsDropMultiplier = 87
hazardSystem_dodgeMultiplier = 85
hazardSystem_damageMultiplier = 200
hazardSystem_criticalMultiplier = 25
hazardSystem_criticalInterval = 2000

-- Familiar system
-- NOTE: the time will be divided by 2 to get half the value, the familiar lasts 15 minutes by default and the cooldown of the spell is 30 minutes
-- Only change it here if you know what you are doing or to make testing easier with familiars
familiarTime = 30

-- NOTE: Access only for Premium Account
onlyPremiumAccount = false

-- Customs
-- NOTE: weatherRain = true, activates weather raining effects
-- NOTE: thunderEffect = true, activates thunder effects
-- NOTE: allConsoleLog = true, show all message logs
-- NOTE: stashMoving = true, stow an container inside your stash
-- NOTE: depotChest, the non-stackable items will be moved to the selected depot chest(I - XVIII).
-- NOTE: autoBank = true, the dropped coins from monsters will be automatically deposited to your bank account.
-- NOTE: toggleGoldPouchAllowAnything will allow players to move items or gold to gold pouch
-- NOTE: toggleServerIsRetroPVP will make this server as retro, setting PARTY_PROTECTION and ADVANCED_SECURE_MODE to 0
-- NOTE: toggleTravelsFree will make all travels from boat free
weatherRain = false
thunderEffect = true
allConsoleLog = false
stashMoving = false
depotChest = 4
autoLoot = false
autoBank = false
toggleGoldPouchAllowAnything = true
toggleServerIsRetroPVP = false
toggleTravelsFree = false

-- Teleport summon
-- Set to true will never remove the summon
teleportSummons = false

-- NOTE: true will allow the /reload command to be used
-- NOTE: Using this script might cause unwanted changes
-- This script forces a reload in the entire server, this means that everything that is stored in memory might stop to work properly and/or completely, this script should be used in test environments only
allowReload = true

-- Stamina in Trainers
staminaTrainer = true
staminaTrainerDelay = 1
staminaTrainerGain = 5
-- Stamina in PZ
staminaPz = true
staminaOrangeDelay = 5
staminaGreenDelay = 5
staminaPzGain = 5
-- Max players allowed on a dummy.
maxAllowedOnADummy = 30

-- Save interval per time
-- NOTE: toggleSaveInterval: true = enable the save interval, false = disable the save interval
-- NOTE: saveIntervalType: "minute", "second" or "hour"
-- NOTE: toggleSaveIntervalCleanMap: true = enable the clean map, false = disable the clean map
-- NOTE: saveIntervalTime: time based on what was set in "saveIntervalType"
toggleSaveInterval = true
saveIntervalType = "hour"
toggleSaveIntervalCleanMap = true
saveIntervalTime = 1

-- Imbuement
toggleImbuementShrineStorage = false

-- Free quests
-- Add quest access to player when logging in
-- NOTE: Only quests that are in the "freequests.lua" script table will work
-- toggleFreeQuest = enable/disable the system
-- freeQuestStage = if you add more quests to the table, change this value to run freeQuest again
toggleFreeQuest = true
freeQuestStage = 5

-- Deaths
-- NOTE: Leave deathLosePercent as -1 if you want to use the default
-- death penalty formula. For the old formula, set it to 10. For
-- no skill/experience loss, set it to 0.
deathLosePercent = -1

-- Houses
-- NOTE: set housePriceEachSQM to -1 to disable the ingame buy house functionality
-- NOTE: set houseBuyLevel to 0 to disable the min level purchase functionality.
-- Periods: daily/weekly/monthly/yearly/never
housePriceEachSQM = 1000
houseRentPeriod = "never"
houseOwnedByAccount = false
houseBuyLevel = 10

-- Item Usage
timeBetweenActions = 200
timeBetweenExActions = 1000

-- Push
-- NOTE: pushDelay: interval for every push
-- NOTE: pushDistanceDelay: delay for every distance push
-- NOTE: pushWhenAttacking: true = enable the push during attack, false = disable the push during attack
pushDelay = 1000
pushDistanceDelay = 1500
pushWhenAttacking = false

-- Map
-- NOTE: set mapName WITHOUT .otbm at the end
-- NOTE: If toggleDownloadMap if false, then the mapDownloadUrl will not be used
-- NOTE: If a map with the name already exists in the world folder, the map will not be downloaded even if the toggleDownloadMap is true
toggleDownloadMap = false
mapName = "otservbr"
mapDownloadUrl = ""
mapAuthor = "OpenTibiaBR"

-- Party List limitations
-- max distance in which players in party list are visible
-- NOTE partyListMaxDistance set to 0 means no limit
partyListMaxDistance = 30

-- Custom Map
-- NOTE: mapCustomEnabled = activate the map, false = disable the map
toggleMapCustom = true
mapCustomName = "otservbr-custom"
mapCustomAuthor = "OpenTibiaBR"

-- Market
marketOfferDuration = 30 * 24 * 60 * 60
premiumToCreateMarketOffer = true
checkExpiredMarketOffersEachMinutes = 60
maxMarketOffersAtATimePerPlayer = 100

-- MySQL
mysqlHost = ""
mysqlUser = "otserv1"
mysqlPass = "Granuja7292"
mysqlDatabase = "otserv"
mysqlPort = 3306
mysqlSock = ""
passwordType = "sha1"

-- Misc.
-- NOTE: experienceDisplayRates: set to false to ignore exp rate or true to include exp rate
allowChangeOutfit = true
freePremium = false
kickIdlePlayerAfterMinutes = 15
maxMessageBuffer = 4
emoteSpells = true
allowWalkthrough = true
coinPacketSize = 25
coinImagesURL = ""
classicAttackSpeed = false
showScriptsLogInConsole = false
-- configure maximum value of critical imbuement
criticalChance = 30
inventoryGlowOnFiveBless = false
adventurersBlessingLevel = 21
experienceDisplayRates = true

-- Global server Save
-- NOTE: globalServerSaveNotifyDuration in minutes
globalServerSaveNotifyMessage = true
globalServerSaveNotifyDuration = 5
globalServerSaveCleanMap = true
globalServerSaveClose = false
globalServerSaveShutdown = false
globalServerSaveTime = "06:00:00"

-- Sort loot by chance, most rare items drop first
-- it is good to be setted when you have a higher
-- rateLoot to avoid losing all rare items when
-- the corpse size is less than the total of loots
-- the monster can drop
sortLootByChance = false

-- Rates
-- NOTE: rateExp, rateSkill and rateMagic is used when 'rateUseStages = false' - or a fallback only
-- To configure rates see file data/stages.lua
rateUseStages = true
rateExp = 3
rateSkill = 20
rateLoot = 4
rateMagic = 8
rateSpawn = 2

-- Killing in the name of Quest
rateKillingInTheNameOfPoints = 1

-- Today regeneration condition over an loop every 1 second,
-- So values which should regenerated less then 1 second or won't will work
rateHealthRegen = 4.0
rateHealthRegenSpeed = 2.0
rateManaRegen = 5.0
rateManaRegenSpeed = 2.0
rateSoulRegen = 4.0
rateSoulRegenSpeed = 2.0

rateSpellCooldown = 1.5
rateAttackSpeed = 1.5
rateOfflineTrainingSpeed = rateAttackSpeed
rateExerciseTrainingSpeed = 10

-- Monster rates
rateMonsterHealth = 1.0
rateMonsterAttack = 1.0
rateMonsterDefense = 1.0

-- Monsters
deSpawnRange = 2
deSpawnRadius = 50

-- Stamina
staminaSystem = true

-- Scripts
warnUnsafeScripts = true
convertUnsafeScripts = true

-- Startup
-- NOTE: defaultPriority only works on Windows and sets process
-- priority, valid values are: "normal", "above-normal", "high"
defaultPriority = "high"
startupDatabaseOptimization = true

-- Status server information
ownerName = "OpenGamesCommunity"
ownerEmail = ""
url = ""
location = "Spain"

-- Sends Discord webhook notifications on startup, raids and shutdown.
-- The URL layout is
-- Leave empty if you wish to disable.
discordWebhookURL = ""


Miembro del equipo
Código Lua:
    if (!defined('ZNOTE_OS')) {
        $isWindows = (strtoupper(substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3)) === 'WIN');
        define('ZNOTE_OS', ($isWindows) ? 'WINDOWS' : 'LINUX');

    // Si quieren usar el items.php aqui lo pueden probar
    $config['items'] = true;

    // Opciones disponibles: TFS_02, TFS_03, OTHIRE, TFS_10
    // OTHire = OTHIRE
    // TFS 0.2 = TFS_02
    // TFS 0.3 = TFS_03 (Si estas usando 0.3.6, pon $config['salt'] en false)!
    // TFS 0.4 = TFS_03
    // TFS 1.x = TFS_10 (Version Real Map Custom)
    $config['ServerEngine'] = 'TFS_10';
    // Por lo que sabemos OTX esta basado en TFS_03, estes seguro que eliges el TFS correcto: TFS_03
    $config['CustomVersion'] = false;

    $config['site_title'] = 'Custom Real Map';
    $config['site_title_context'] = 'Mmorpg custom tibia server';
    $config['site_url'] = "";
    // Direccion de tu carpeta de Servidor "/" (o en raros casos la barra del otro sentido "\") y sobretodo al final de la direccion, ex: C:/Users/Username/Documents/GitHub/CustomRL/
    $config['server_path'] = 'C:/Users/HectorJasso/Desktop/RL_Custom_13.11/';

    // ------------------------ \\

    // ------------------------ \\
    // Usuario PhpMyAdmin - No utilizar root
    $config['sqlUser'] = 'otserv1';

    // Contraseña PhpMyAdmin
    $config['sqlPassword'] = 'Granuja7292';

    // Nombre de la base de datos PhpMyAdmin
    $config['sqlDatabase'] = 'otserv';

    // Direccion del HOST, en caso es, en raros casos se pone localhost
    $config['sqlHost'] = '';

    // QR Codigo, funcional unicamente para TFS 1.2+
    $config['twoFactorAuthenticator'] = false;
    // Podeis utilizar la applicacion "authy" en los mobiles

    /* Funcion de Hora
        - getClock() = returns current time in numbers.
        - getClock(time(), true) = returns current time in formatted date
        - getClock(false, true) = same as above
        - getClock(false, true, false) = get current time, don't adjust timezone
        - echo getClock($profile_data['lastlogin'], true); = from characterprofile,
        explains when user was last logged in. */
    function getClock($time = false, $format = false, $adjust = true) {
        if ($time === false) $time = time();
        // Date string representation
        $date = "d F Y (H:i)"; // 15 July 2013 (13:50)
        if ($adjust) $adjust = (1 * 3600); // Adjust to fit your timezone.
        else $adjust = 0;
        if ($format) return date($date, $time+$adjust);
        else return $time+$adjust;

    // ------------------- \\
    // Configuraciones extras del servidor \\
    // ------------------- \\
    // Activar las quests
    $config['EnableQuests'] = false;

    // array for filling questlog (Questid, max value, name, end of the quest fill 1 for the last part 0 for all others)
    $config['quests'] = array(
        array(1501,100,"Killing in the Name of",0),
        array(1502,150,"Killing in the Name of",0),
        array(65001,100,"Killing in the Name of",0),
        array(65002,150,"Killing in the Name of",0),
        array(65003,300,"Killing in the Name of",0),
        array(65004,3,"Killing in the Name of",0),
        array(65005,300,"Killing in the Name of",0),
        array(65006,150,"Killing in the Name of",0),
        array(65007,200,"Killing in the Name of",0),
        array(65008,300,"Killing in the Name of",0),
        array(65009,300,"Killing in the Name of",0),
        array(65010,300,"Killing in the Name of",0),
        array(65011,300,"Killing in the Name of",0),
        array(65012,300,"Killing in the Name of",0),
        array(65013,300,"Killing in the Name of",0),
        array(65014,300,"Killing in the Name of",1),
        array(12110,2,"The Inquisition",0),
        array(12111,7,"The Inquisition",0),
        array(12112,3,"The Inquisition",0),
        array(12113,6,"The Inquisition",0),
        array(12114,3,"The Inquisition",0),
        array(12115,3,"The Inquisition",0),
        array(12116,3,"The Inquisition",0),
        array(12117,5,"The Inquisition",1),
        array(330,3,"Sam's Old Backpack",1),
        array(12121,3,"The Ape City",0),
        array(12122,5,"The Ape City",0),
        array(12123,3,"The Ape City",0),
        array(12124,3,"The Ape City",0),
        array(12125,3,"The Ape City",0),
        array(12126,3,"The Ape City",0),
        array(12127,4,"The Ape City",0),
        array(12128,3,"The Ape City",0),
        array(12129,3,"The Ape City",1),
        array(12101,1,"The Ancient Tombs",0),
        array(12102,1,"The Ancient Tombs",0),
        array(12103,1,"The Ancient Tombs",0),
        array(12104,1,"The Ancient Tombs",0),
        array(12105,1,"The Ancient Tombs",0),
        array(12106,1,"The Ancient Tombs",0),
        array(12107,1,"The Ancient Tombs",1),
        array(12022,3,"Barbarian Test Quest",0),
        array(12022,3,"Barbarian Test Quest",0),
        array(12022,3,"Barbarian Test Quest",1),
        array(12025,3,"The Ice Islands Quest",0),
        array(12026,5,"The Ice Islands Quest",0),
        array(12027,3,"The Ice Islands Quest",0),
        array(12028,2,"The Ice Islands Quest",0),
        array(12029,6,"The Ice Islands Quest",0),
        array(12030,8,"The Ice Islands Quest",0),
        array(12031,3,"The Ice Islands Quest",0),
        array(12032,4,"The Ice Islands Quest",0),
        array(12033,2,"The Ice Islands Quest",0),
        array(12034,2,"The Ice Islands Quest",0),
        array(12035,2,"The Ice Islands Quest",0),
        array(12036,6,"The Ice Islands Quest",1),

    // Achievements based on "" (TFS 1.x)
    $config['Ach'] = false;
    $config['achievements'] = array(
        300001 => array(
            'Allow Cookies?',
            'With a perfectly harmless smile you fooled all of those wicecrackers into eating your exploding cookies. Consider a boy or girl scout outfit next time to make the trick even better.',
            'points' => '10', // 1-3 points (1 star), 4-6 points (2 stars), 7-9 points(3 stars), 10 points => (4 stars)
            'secret' => true // show "secret" badge

    // TFS 1.x powergamers y top online jugadores ( ver en la carpeta lua TFS_10 para los scripts o reportarse en el foro para el script powergamers )
    $config['powergamers'] = array(
        'enabled' => true, // true / false para activar
        'limit' => 5, // El limite de mostrar, 5

    $config['toponline'] = array(
        'enabled' => true, // true/false para activar
        'limit' => 5, // Numero de jugadores que mostrara

    // Vocations IDS
    $config['vocations'] = array(
        0 => array(
            'name' => 'No vocation',
            'fromVoc' => false
        1 => array(
            'name' => 'Sorcerer',
            'fromVoc' => false
        2 => array(
            'name' => 'Druid',
            'fromVoc' => false
        3 => array(
            'name' => 'Paladin',
            'fromVoc' => false
        4 => array(
            'name' => 'Knight',
            'fromVoc' => false
        5 => array(
            'name' => 'Master Sorcerer',
            'fromVoc' => 1
        6 => array(
            'name' => 'Elder Druid',
            'fromVoc' => 2
        7 => array(
            'name' => 'Royal Paladin',
            'fromVoc' => 3
        8 => array(
            'name' => 'Elite Knight',
            'fromVoc' => 4

    /* Vocation stat gains per level
        - Ordered by vocation ID
        - Currently used for admin_skills page. */
    $config['vocations_gain'] = array(
        0 => array(
            'hp' => 5,
            'mp' => 5,
            'cap' => 10
        1 => array(
            'hp' => 5,
            'mp' => 30,
            'cap' => 10
        2 => array(
            'hp' => 5,
            'mp' => 30,
            'cap' => 10
        3 => array(
            'hp' => 10,
            'mp' => 15,
            'cap' => 20
        4 => array(
            'hp' => 15,
            'mp' => 5,
            'cap' => 25
        5 => array(
            'hp' => 5,
            'mp' => 30,
            'cap' => 10
        6 => array(
            'hp' => 5,
            'mp' => 30,
            'cap' => 10
        7 => array(
            'hp' => 10,
            'mp' => 15,
            'cap' => 20
        8 => array(
            'hp' => 15,
            'mp' => 5,
            'cap' => 25
    // Towns ID
    $config['towns'] = array(
        1 => 'Dawnport Tutorial',
        2 => 'Dawnport',
        3 => 'Rookgaard',
        4 => 'Island of Destiny',
        5 => 'Ab\'Dendriel',
        6 => 'Carlin',
        7 => 'Kazordoon',
        8 => 'Thais',

    $config['houseConfig'] = array(
        'HouseListDefaultTown' => 8, // Default town id to display when visting house list page page.
        'minimumBidSQM' => 700, // Minimum bid cost on auction (per SQM)
        'auctionPeriod' => 24 * 60 * 60, // 24 hours auction time.
        'housesPerPlayer' => 1,
        'requirePremium' => true,
        'levelToBuyHouse' => 20,
        // Instant buy with shop points
        'shopPoints' => array(
            'enabled' => false,
            // SQM count => points cost
            'cost' => array(
                1 => 10,
                25 => 15,
                60 => 25,
                100 => 30,
                200 => 40,
                300 => 50,

    // Leave on black square in map and player should get teleported to their selected town.
    // If chars get buggy set this position to a beginner location to force players there.
    $config['default_pos'] = array(
        'x' => 5,
        'y' => 5,
        'z' => 2,

    $config['war_status'] = array(
        0 => 'Pending',
        1 => 'Accepted',
        2 => 'Rejected',
        3 => 'Canceled',
        4 => 'Ended by kill limit',
        5 => 'Ended',

    /* -- SUB PAGES --
        Some custom layouts/templates have custom pages, they can use
        this sub page functionality for that.
    $config['allowSubPages'] = true;

    // ---------------- \\
    // Create Character \\
    // ---------------- \\

    // Maximo de chares por cuenta
    $config['max_characters'] = 8;

    // Available character vocation users can choose (specify vocation ID).
    $config['available_vocations'] = array(0);

    // Nueva Cuenta town disponible
    // Town IDs are the ones from $config['towns'] array
    $config['available_towns'] = array(1);

    $config['player'] = array(
        'base' => array(
            'level' => 1,
            'health' => 185,
            'mana' => 90,
            'cap' => 650,
            'soul' => 100
        // Vida , skills y level del nuevo jugador
        'create' => array(
            'level' => 1,
            'novocation' => array( // Vocation id 0 (No vocation) special settings
                'level' => 1,
                'forceTown' => true,
                'townId' => 1 // Town en la que empezara el player no vocation
            'skills' => array( // See $config['vocations'] for proper vocation names of these IDs
                // No vocation
                0 => array(
                    'magic' => 0,
                    'fist' => 10,
                    'club' => 10,
                    'axe' => 10,
                    'sword' => 10,
                    'dist' => 10,
                    'shield' => 10,
                    'fishing' => 10,
                // Sorcerer
                1 => array(
                    'magic' => 0,
                    'fist' => 10,
                    'club' => 10,
                    'axe' => 10,
                    'sword' => 10,
                    'dist' => 10,
                    'shield' => 10,
                    'fishing' => 10,
                // Druid
                2 => array(
                    'magic' => 0,
                    'fist' => 10,
                    'club' => 10,
                    'axe' => 10,
                    'sword' => 10,
                    'dist' => 10,
                    'shield' => 10,
                    'fishing' => 10,
                // Paladin
                3 => array(
                    'magic' => 0,
                    'fist' => 10,
                    'club' => 10,
                    'axe' => 10,
                    'sword' => 10,
                    'dist' => 10,
                    'shield' => 10,
                    'fishing' => 10,
                // Knight
                4 => array(
                    'magic' => 0,
                    'fist' => 10,
                    'club' => 10,
                    'axe' => 10,
                    'sword' => 10,
                    'dist' => 10,
                    'shield' => 10,
                    'fishing' => 10,
            'male_outfit' => array(
                'id' => 128,
                'head' => 78,
                'body' => 68,
                'legs' => 58,
                'feet' => 76
            'female_outfit' => array(
                'id' => 136,
                'head' => 78,
                'body' => 68,
                'legs' => 58,
                'feet' => 76

    // Minimum allowed letters in character name. Ex: 4 letters: "Kare".
    $config['minL'] = 4;
    // Maximum allowed letters in character name. Ex: 20 letters: "Bobkareolesofiesberg"
    $config['maxL'] = 20;
    // Maximum allowed words in character name. Ex: 2 words = "Bob Kare", 3 words: "Bob Arne Kare" as maximum char name words.
    $config['maxW'] = 3;

    // -------------- \\
    // WEBSITE STUFF  \\
    // -------------- \\

    // News to be displayed per page
    $config['news_per_page'] = 5;

    // Enable or disable changelog ticker in news page.
    $config['UseChangelogTicker'] = true;

    // Highscore configuration
    $config['highscore'] = array(
        'rows' => 100,
        'rowsPerPage' => 20,
        'ignoreGroupId' => 2, // Ignore this and higher group ids (staff)

    // ONLY FOR TFS 0.2 (TFS 0.3/4 users don't need to care about this, as its fully loaded from db)
    $config['house'] = array(
        'house_file' => 'C:\test\Mystic Spirit_0.2.5\data\world\forgotten-house.xml',
        'price_sqm' => '50', // price per house sqm

    $config['delete_character_interval'] = '2 HOUR'; // Delay after user character delete request is executed, ex: 1 DAY, 2 HOUR, 3 MONTH etc.

    $config['validate_IP'] = false;
    $config['salt'] = false;

    // Restricted names
    $config['invalidNameTags'] = array(
        "owner", "gamemaster", "hoster", "admin", "staff", "tibia", "account", "god", "hitler", "cm", "gm", "game master", "anal", "anus", "arse", "ass", "asses", "assfucker", "assfukka", "asshole", "arsehole", "asswhole", "assmunch", "ballsack", "wanky", "whore", "whoar", "xxx", "xx", "yaoi", "yury", "bastard", "beastial", "bestial", "bellend", "bdsm", "beastiality", "bestiality", "bitch", "bitches", "bitchin", "bitching", "bimbo", "bimbos", "blow job", "blowjob", "blowjobs", "blue waffle", "boob", "boobs", "booobs", "boooobs", "booooobs", "booooooobs", "breasts", "booty call", "brown shower", "brown showers", "boner", "bondage", "buceta", "bukake", "bukkake", "bullshit", "bull shit", "busty", "butthole", "carpet muncher", "cawk", "chink", "cipa", "clit", "clits", "clitoris", "cnut", "cock", "cocks", "cockface", "cockhead", "cockmunch", "cockmuncher", "cocksuck", "cocksucked", "cocksucking", "cocksucks", "cocksucker", "cokmuncher", "coon", "cow girl", "cow girls", "cowgirl", "cowgirls", "crap", "crotch", "cum", "cummer", "cumming", "cuming", "cums", "cumshot", "cunilingus", "cunillingus", "cunnilingus", "cunt", "cuntlicker", "cuntlicking", "cunts", "damn", "dick", "dickhead", "dildo", "dildos", "dink", "dinks", "deepthroat", "deep throat", "dog style", "doggie style", "doggiestyle", "doggy style", "doggystyle", "donkeyribber", "doosh", "douche", "duche", "dyke", "ejaculate", "ejaculated", "ejaculates", "ejaculating", "ejaculatings", "ejaculation", "ejakulate", "erotic", "erotism", "fag", "faggot", "fagging", "faggit", "faggitt", "faggs", "fagot", "fagots", "fags", "fatass", "femdom", "fingering", "footjob", "foot job", "fuck", "fucks", "fucker", "fuckers", "fucked", "fuckhead", "fuckheads", "fuckin", "fucking", "fcuk", "fcuker", "fcuking", "felching", "fellate", "fellatio", "fingerfuck", "fingerfucked", "fingerfucker", "fingerfuckers", "fingerfucking", "fingerfucks", "fistfuck", "fistfucked", "fistfucker", "fistfuckers", "fistfucking", "fistfuckings", "fistfucks", "flange", "fook", "fooker", "fucka", "fuk", "fuks", "fuker", "fukker", "fukkin", "fukking", "futanari", "futanary", "gangbang", "gangbanged", "gang bang", "gokkun", "golden shower", "goldenshower", "gaysex", "goatse", "handjob", "hand job", "hentai", "hooker", "hoer", "homo", "horny", "incest", "jackoff", "jack off", "jerkoff", "jerk off", "jizz", "knob", "kinbaku", "labia", "masturbate", "masochist", "mofo", "mothafuck", "motherfuck", "motherfucker", "mothafucka", "mothafuckas", "mothafuckaz", "mothafucked", "mothafucker", "mothafuckers", "mothafuckin", "mothafucking", "mothafuckings", "mothafucks", "mother fucker", "motherfucked", "motherfucker", "motherfuckers", "motherfuckin", "motherfucking", "motherfuckings", "motherfuckka", "motherfucks", "milf", "muff", "negro", "nigga", "nigger", "nigg", "nipple", "nipples", "nob", "nob  jokey", "nobhead", "nobjocky", "nobjokey", "numbnuts", "nutsack", "nude", "nudes", "orgy", "orgasm", "orgasms", "panty", "panties", "penis", "playboy", "pinto", "porn", "porno", "pornography", "pron", "punheta", "pussy", "pussies", "****************************", "rape", "raping", "rapist", "rectum", "retard", "rimming", "sadist", "sadism", "schlong", "scrotum", "*********************", "semen", "shemale", "she male", "shibari", "shibary", "shit", "shitdick", "shitfuck", "shitfull", "shithead", "shiting", "shitings", "shits", "shitted", "shitters", "shitting", "shittings", "shitty", "shota", "skank", "slut", "sluts", "smut", "smegma", "spunk", "strip club", "stripclub", "tit", "tits", "titties", "titty", "titfuck", "tittiefucker", "titties", "tittyfuck", "tittywank", "titwank", "threesome", "three some", "throating", "twat", "twathead", "twatty", "twunt", "viagra", "vagina", "vulva", "viado", "wank", "wanker",
    // Comment out the line bellow if you want to allow players to use creature names:
        "acolyte of the cult", "adept of the cult", "amazon", "ancient scarab", "arachnophobica", "assassin", "azure frog", "badger", "bandit", "banshee", "barbarian bloodwalker", "barbarian brutetamer", "barbarian headsplitter", "barbarian skullhunter", "bat", "bear", "behemoth", "betrayed wraith", "biting book", "black knight", "black sphinx acolyte", "blightwalker", "blood beast", "blood crab", "blood hand", "blood priest", "blue djinn", "boar", "bog frog", "bog raider", "bonebeast", "bonelord", "boogy", "brain squid", "braindeath", "breach brood", "brimstone bug", "burning book", "burning gladiator", "burster spectre", "carniphila", "carrion worm", "cave devourer", "centipede", "chakoya toolshaper", "chakoya tribewarden", "chakoya windcaller", "choking fear", "clay guardian", "clomp", "cobra", "coral frog", "corym charlatan", "corym skirmisher", "corym vanguard", "crab", "crazed beggar", "crazed summer rearguard", "crazed summer vanguard", "crazed winter rearguard", "crazed winter vanguard", "crimson frog", "crocodile", "crypt defiler", "crypt shambler", "crypt warden", "crystal spider", "crystalcrusher", "cult believer", "cult enforcer", "cult scholar", "cyclops", "cyclops drone", "cyclops smith", "dark apprentice", "dark faun", "dark magician", "dark monk", "dark torturer", "dawnfire asura", "death blob", "deathling scout", "deathling spellsinger", "deepling guard", "deepling scout", "deepling spellsinger", "deepling warrior", "deepling worker", "deepworm", "defiler", "demon outcast", "demon skeleton", "demon", "destroyer", "devourer", "diabolic imp", "diamond servant", "diremaw", "dragon hatchling", "dragon lord hatchling", "dragon lord", "dragon", "draken abomination", "draken elite", "draken spellweaver", "draken warmaster", "dread intruder", "drillworm", "dwarf geomancer", "dwarf guard", "dwarf henchman", "dwarf soldier", "dwarf", "dworc fleshhunter", "dworc venomsniper", "dworc voodoomaster", "earth elemental", "efreet", "elder bonelord", "elder wyrm", "elephant", "elf arcanist", "elf scout", "elf", "emerald damselfly", "energetic book", "energy elemental", "enfeebled silencer", "enlightened of the cult", "enraged crystal golem", "eternal guardian", "falcon knight", "falcon paladin", "faun", "fire devil", "fire elemental", "firestarter", "forest fury", "fox", "frazzlemaw", "frost dragon hatchling", "frost dragon", "frost flower asura", "fury", "gargoyle", "gazer spectre", "ghastly dragon", "ghost", "ghoul", "giant spider", "gladiator", "gloom wolf", "glooth bandit", "glooth blob", "glooth brigand", "glooth golem", "gnarlhound", "guzzlemaw", "hand of cursed fate", "haunted treeling", "hellhound", "hellflayer", "hellfire fighter", "hellspawn", "hero", "honour guard", "hunter", "hydra", "ice golem", "ice witch", "infernalist", "juggernaut", "killer caiman", "kongra", "lancer beetle", "lamassu", "lich", "lizard chosen", "lizard dragon priest", "lizard high guard", "lizard legionnaire", "lizard sentinel", "lizard snakecharmer", "lizard templar", "lizard zaogun", "lost soul", "lumbering carnivor", "mad scientist", "mammoth", "marid", "marsh stalker", "medusa", "menacing carnivor", "mercury blob", "merlkin", "metal gargoyle", "midnight asura", "minotaur amazon", "minotaur archer", "minotaur cult follower", "minotaur cult prophet", "minotaur cult zealot", "minotaur guard", "minotaur hunter", "minotaur mage", "minotaur", "monk", "mooh'tah warrior", "moohtant", "mummy", "mutated bat", "mutated human", "mutated rat", "mutated tiger", "necromancer", "nightmare scion", "nightmare", "nightstalker", "nomad", "novice of the cult ", "nymph", "omnivora", "orc berserker", "orc leader", "orc rider", "orc shaman", "orc warlord", "orc warrior", "orc", "pirate buccaneer", "pirate corsair", "pirate cutthroat", "pirate ghost", "pirate marauder", "pirate skeleton", "pixie", "plaguesmith", "priestess", "pooka", "ravenous lava lurker", "renegade knight", "retching horror", "ripper spectre", "roaring lion", "rot elemental", "rotworm", "rustheap golem", "scarab", "scorpion", "sea serpent", "serpent spawn", "sibang", "silencer", "skeleton elite warrior", "souleater", "spectre", "spiky carnivor", "stone golem", "stonerefiner", "swamp troll", "tarantula", "terramite", "thornback tortoise", "toad", "tortoise", "twisted pooka", "undead elite gladiator", "undead gladiator", "valkyrie", "vampire bride", "vampire viscount", "vampire", "vexclaw", "vicious squire", "vile grandmaster", "vulcongra", "wailing widow", "war golem", "war wolf", "warlock", "wasp", "water elemental", "weakened frazzlemaw", "werebadger", "werebear", "wereboar", "werefox", "werewolf", "worm priestess", "wolf", "wyrm", "wyvern", "yielothax", "young sea serpent", "zombie", "adult goanna", "black sphinx acolyte", "burning gladiator", "cobra assassin", "cobra scout", "cobra vizier", "crypt warden", "feral sphinx", "lamassu", "manticore", "ogre rowdy", "ogre ruffian", "ogre sage", "priestess of the wild sun", "sphinx", "sun-marked goanna", "young goanna", "cursed prospector", "evil prospector", "flimsy lost soul", "freakish lost soul", "mean lost soul", "a shielded astral glyph", "abyssador", "an astral glyph", "ascending ferumbras", "annihilon", "apocalypse", "apprentice sheng", "arachir the ancient one", "armenius", "azerus", "barbaria", "baron brute", "battlemaster zunzu", "bazir", "big boss trolliver", "bones", "boogey", "bretzecutioner", "brokul", "bruise payne", "brutus bloodbeard", "bullwark", "chizzoron the distorter", "coldheart", "countess sorrow", "deadeye devious", "deathbine", "deathstrike", "demodras", "dharalion", "diblis the fair", "dirtbeard", "diseased bill", "diseased dan", "diseased fred", "doomhowl", "dracola", "dreadwing", "ekatrix", "energized raging mage", "esmeralda", "ethershreck", "evil mastermind", "fatality", "fazzrah", "fernfang", "feroxa", "ferumbras", "flameborn", "fleshcrawler", "fleshslicer", "fluffy", "foreman kneebiter", "freegoiz", "fury of the emperor", "furyosa", "gaz'haragoth", "general murius", "ghazbaran", "glitterscale", "gnomevil", "golgordan", "grand mother foulscale", "groam", "grorlam", "gorgo", "hairman the huge", "haunter", "hellgorak", "hemming", "heoni", "hide", "hirintror", "horadron", "horestis", "incineron", "infernatil", "inky", "jaul", "kerberos", "koshei the deathless", "kraknaknork's demon", "kraknaknork", "kroazur", "latrivan", "lethal lissy", "leviathan", "lisa", "lizard abomination", "lord of the elements", "mad mage", "mad technomancer", "madareth", "man in the cave", "massacre", "mawhawk", "menace", "mephiles", "minishabaal", "monstor", "morgaroth", "morik the gladiator", "mr. punish", "munster", "mutated zalamon", "necropharus", "obujos", "orshabaal", "paiz the pauperizer", "raging mage", "ribstride", "rocko", "ron the ripper", "rottie the rotworm", "rotworm queen", "scarlett etzel", "scorn of the emperor", "shardhead", "sharptooth", "sir valorcrest", "snake god essence", "snake thing", "spider queen", "spite of the emperor", "splasher", "stonecracker", "sulphur scuttler", "tanjis", "terofar", "teleskor", "the abomination", "the axeorcist", "the blightfather", "the bloodtusk", "the bloodweb", "the book of death", "the collector", "the count", "the weakened count", "the dreadorian", "the evil eye", "the frog prince", "the handmaiden", "the horned fox", "the keeper", "the imperor", "the many", "the noxious spawn", "the old widow", "the pale count", "the plasmother", "the snapper", "the distorted astral source", "the astral source", "thul", "tiquandas revenge", "tirecz", "tyrn", "tormentor", "tremorak", "tromphonyte", "ungreez", "ushuriel", "verminor", "versperoth", "warlord ruzad", "white pale", "wrath of the emperor", "xenia", "yaga the crone", "yakchal", "zanakeph", "zavarash", "zevelon duskbringer", "zomba", "zoralurk", "zugurosh", "zushuka", "zulazza the corruptor", "glooth bomb", "bibby bloodbath", "doctor perhaps", "mooh'tah master", "the welter"

    // Use guild logo system
    $config['use_guild_logos'] = true;

    // Use country flags
    $config['country_flags'] = array(
        'enabled' => true,
        'highscores' => true,
        'onlinelist' => true,
        'characterprofile' => true,
        'server' => ''

    // Animated Outfits, no tocar la URL esta correcta
    $config['show_outfits'] = array(
        'shop' => true,
        'highscores' => true,
        'characterprofile' => true,
        'onlinelist' => true,
        // Image server may be unreliable and only for test,
        // host yourself:
        'imageServer' => ''

    // Show advanced inventory data in character profile
    $config['EQ_shower'] = array(
        'enabled' => true,
        'equipment' => true,
        'skills' => true,
        'outfits' => true,
        // Player storage (storage_value + outfitId)
        // used to see if player has outfit.
        // see Lua scripts folder for otserv code
        'storage_value' => 10000

    // Level requirement to create guild? (Just set it to 1 to allow all levels).
    $config['create_guild_level'] = 10;

    // Change Gender can be purchased in shop, or perhaps you want to allow everyone to change gender for free?
    $config['free_sex_change'] = false;

    // Do you need to have premium account to create a guild?
    $config['guild_require_premium'] = true;

    // There is a TFS 1.3 bug related to guild nicks
    // So if your using TFS 1.x, you might need to disable guild nicks until the crash has been fixed.
    $config['guild_allow_nicknames'] = true;

    $config['guildwar_enabled'] = false;

    // Use htaccess rewrite? (basically this makes work instead of
    // Linux users needs to enable mod_rewrite php extention to make it work properly, so set it to false if your lost and using Linux.
    $config['htwrite'] = true;

    // What client version and server port are you using on this OT?
    // Used for the Downloads page.
    $config['client'] = 1311; // 954 = client 9.54

    // Link descarga del cliente ( No funcional para este Znote, porqué es totalmente custom ).
    $config['client_download'] = ''. $config['client'] .'.exe';
    $config['client_download_linux'] = ''. $config['client'] .'.tgz';

    $config['port'] = 7171; // Port number to connect to your OT.

    $config['status'] = array(
        'status_check' => false, // Enable or disable status checker
        'status_ip' => '',
        'status_port' => "7171",

    // Gameserver info is used for client 11+ loginWebService
    $config['login_web_service'] = true; // loginWebService for client 11+ enabled?
    $config['gameserver'] = array(
        'ip' => '',
        'port' => 7172,
        'name' => 'CustomRL' // Servername Debe de ser identico que en el config.lua del servidor

    // How often do you want highscores to update?
    $config['cache_lifespan'] = 5; // 60 * 15; // 15 minutes.

    // CUENTA DEL GOD, para que tenga accesso en la pagina web en Admin Panel la cuenta por defecto es god /god
    $config['page_admin_access'] = array(

    // Built-in FORUM
    // Enable forum, enable guildboards, level to create threads/post in them
    // How long do they have to wait to create thread or post?
    // How to design/display hidden/closed/sticky threads.
    $config['forum'] = array(
        'enabled' => true,
        'outfit_avatars' => true, // Show character outfit as forum avatar?
        'player_position' => true, // Show character position? ex: Tutor, Community Manager, God
        'guildboard' => true,
        'level' => 8,
        'cooldownPost' => 1, // 60,
        'cooldownCreate' => 1, // 180,
        'newPostsBumpThreads' => true,
        'hidden' => '<font color="orange">[H]</font>',
        'closed' => '<font color="red">[C]</font>',
        'sticky' => '<font color="green">[S]</font>',

    // Guilds and guild war pages will do lots of queries on bigger databases.
    // So its recommended to require login to view them, but you can disable this
    // If you don't have any problems with load.
    $config['require_login'] = array(
        'guilds' => false,
        'guildwars' => false,

    // Para poder banear a gente, deben de crear un personaje en la cuenta del GOD, que se llame como indicara aqui abajo 'God Website'
    $config['website_char'] = 'God Website';

    // ---------------- \\
    //  ADVANCED STUFF  \\
    // ---------------- \\
    // API config
    $config['api'] = array(
        'debug' => false,

    // we use imgur as image host, and need to register app with them and add client/secret id.
    $config['gallery'] = array(
        'Client Name' => 'ZnoteAAC-Gallery',
        'Client ID' => '4dfcdc4f2cabca6',
        'Client Secret' => '697af737777c99a8c0be07c2f4419aebb2c48ac5'

    // Email Server configurations (SMTP)
    /*    Please consider using a released stable version of PHPMailer or you may run into issues.
        Download PHPMailer:
        Extract to Znote AAC directory (where this config.php file is located)
        Rename the folder to "PHPMailer". Then configure this with your SMTP mail settings from your email provider.
    $config['mailserver'] = array(
        'register' => false, // Send activation mail
        'accountRecovery' => false, // Recover username or password through mail
        'myaccount_verify_email' => false, // Allow user to verify their email in myaccount page
        'verify_email_points' => 0, // 0 = disabled. Give users points reward for verifying their email
        'host' => "", // Outgoing mail server host.
        'securityType' => 'ssl', // ssl or tls
        'port' => 465, // SMTP port number - likely to be 465(ssl) or 587(tls)
        'email' => '',
        'username' => '', // Likely the same as email
        'password' => '', // The password.
        'debug' => false, // Enable debugging if you have problems and are looking for errors.
        'fromName' => $config['site_title'],

    // Don't touch this unless you know what you are doing. (modifying these (key value) also requires modifications in OT files data/XML/groups.xml).
    $config['ingame_positions'] = array(
        1 => 'Player',
        2 => 'Tutor',
        3 => 'Senior Tutor',
        4 => 'Gamemaster',
        5 => 'Community Manager',
        6 => 'God',

    // Enable OS advanced features? false = no, true = yes
    $config['os_enabled'] = false;

    // What kind of computer are you hosting this website on?
    // Available options: LINUX or WINDOWS
    $config['os'] = ZNOTE_OS; // Use 'ZNOTE_OS' to auto-detect

    // Measure how much players are lagging in-game. (Not completed).
    $config['ping'] = false;

    // BAN STUFF - Don't touch this unless you know what you are doing.
    // You can order the lines the way you want, from top to bottom, in which order you
    // wish for them to be displayed in admin panel. Just make sure key[#] represent your description.
    $config['ban_type'] = array(
        4 => 'NOTATION_ACCOUNT',
        2 => 'NAMELOCK_PLAYER',
        3 => 'BAN_ACCOUNT',
        5 => 'DELETE_ACCOUNT',
        1 => 'BAN_IPADDRESS',

    // BAN STUFF - Don't touch this unless you know what you are doing.
    // You can order the lines the way you want, from top to bot, in which order you
    // wish for them to be displayed in admin panel. Just make sure key[#] represent your description.
    $config['ban_action'] = array(
        0 => 'Notation',
        1 => 'Name Report',
        2 => 'Banishment',
        3 => 'Name Report + Banishment',
        4 => 'Banishment + Final Warning',
        5 => 'NR + Ban + FW',
        6 => 'Statement Report',

    // Ban reasons, for changes beside default values to work with client,
    // you also need to edit sources (
    $config['ban_reason'] = array(
        0 => 'Offensive Name',
        1 => 'Invalid Name Format',
        2 => 'Unsuitable Name',
        3 => 'Name Inciting Rule Violation',
        4 => 'Offensive Statement',
        5 => 'Spamming',
        6 => 'Illegal Advertising',
        7 => 'Off-Topic Public Statement',
        8 => 'Non-English Public Statement',
        9 => 'Inciting Rule Violation',
        10 => 'Bug Abuse',
        11 => 'Game Weakness Abuse',
        12 => 'Using Unofficial Software to Play',
        13 => 'Hacking',
        14 => 'Multi-Clienting',
        15 => 'Account Trading or Sharing',
        16 => 'Threatening Gamemaster',
        17 => 'Pretending to Have Influence on Rule Enforcement',
        18 => 'False Report to Gamemaster',
        19 => 'Destructive Behaviour',
        20 => 'Excessive Unjustified Player Killing',
        21 => 'Spoiling Auction',

    // BAN STUFF
    // Ban time duration selection in admin panel
    // seconds => description
    $config['ban_time'] = array(
        3600 => '1 hour',
        21600 => '6 hours',
        43200 => '12 hours',
        86400 => '1 day',
        259200 => '3 days',
        604800 => '1 week',
        1209600 => '2 weeks',
        2592000 => '1 month',

    // --------------- \\
    // --------------- \\
    $config['use_token'] = false;
    // Set up captcha keys on
    $config['use_captcha'] = false;
    $config['captcha_site_key'] = "Site key";
    $config['captcha_secret_key'] = "Secret key";
    $config['captcha_use_curl'] = false; // Set to false if you don't have cURL installed, otherwise set it to true

    // Session prefix, if you are hosting multiple sites, make the session name different to avoid conflict.
    $config['session_prefix'] = 'znote_';

    /*    Store visitor data
        Store visitor data in the database, logging every IP visiting site,
        and how many times they have visited the site. And sometimes what
        they do on the site.

        This helps to prevent POST SPAM (like register 1000 accounts in a few seconds)
        and other things which can stress and slow down the server.

        The only downside is that database can get pretty fed up with much IP data
        if table never gets flushed once in a while. So I highly recommend you
        to configure flush_ip_logs if IPs are logged.
    $config['log_ip'] = false;

    // Flush IP logs each configured seconds, 60 * 15 = 15 minutes.
    // Set to false to entirely disable ip log flush.
    // It is important to flush for optimal performance.
    $config['flush_ip_logs'] = 59 * 27;

    /*    IP SECURTY REQUIRE: $config['log_ip'] = true;
        Configure how tight this security shall be.
        Etc: You can max click on anything/refresh page
        [max activity] 15 times, within time period 10
        seconds. During time_period, you can also only
        register 1 account and 1 character.
    $config['ip_security'] = array(
        'time_period' => 10, // In seconds
        'max_activity' => 10, // page clicks/visits
        'max_post' => 6, // register, create, highscore, character search and such actions
        'max_account' => 1, // register
        'max_character' => 1, // create char
        'max_forum_post' => 1, // create threads and post in forum

    /// PAYPAL ///

    // Indicar el correo paypal, si os aparece phpCURL a la hora de abrir la pagina, debereis de entrar en el php.ini ( si usais xampp ) y desmarcar ;extension=cURL quedaria: extension=cURL , si es en uniserverz el fichero se llama php_production.ini
    // Para terminar con el paypal una vez hecho, ireis en vuestra cuenta paypal > opciones > herramientas de vendedor > Notificacion instantanea > os pedira el IPN, una url que insertar,
    // si su servidor se llama:, indicaran: ipn.php al final importante. http o https, dependiendo si tienen SSL.
    $config['paypal'] = array(
        'enabled' => true,
        'currency' => ' EUR ', // EUR / USD
        'points_per_currency' => 10, // Para calcular el bonus en la web, indicar 1 EUR/USD , cuantos puntos
        'success' => "http://".$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']."/success.php",
        'failed' => "http://".$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']."/failed.php",
        'ipn' => "http://".$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']."/ipn.php",
        'showBonus' => true,

    // Configurar los puntos por precio
    $config['paypal_prices'] = array(
    //    PRECIO => PUNTOS,
        5 => 50,
        10 => 100,
        15 => 180,
        20 => 400,
        30 => 675,
        50 => 1200,

    /// PAGSEGURO ///

    // Write your pagseguro address here, and what currency you want to receive money in.
    $config['pagseguro'] = array(
        'enabled' => false,
        'sandbox' => false,
        'email' => '', // Example:
        'token' => '',
        'currency' => 'BRL',
        'product_name' => '',
        'price' => 100, // 1 real
        'ipn' => "http://".$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']."/pagseguro_ipn.php",
        'urls' => array(
            'www' => '',
            'ws'  => '',
            'stc' => ''

    if ($config['pagseguro']['sandbox']) {
        $config['pagseguro']['urls'] = array_map(function ($item) {
            return str_replace('pagseguro', 'sandbox.pagseguro', $item);
        }, $config['pagseguro']['urls']);

    /// PAYGOL SMS ///
    // !!! Paygol takes 60%~ of the money, and send aprox 40% to your paypal.
    // You can configure paygol to send each month, then they will send money
    // to you 1 month after receiving 50+ eur.
    $config['paygol'] = array(
        'enabled' => false,
        'serviceID' => 86648, // Service ID from
        'secretKey' => 'xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx', // Secret key from Never share your secret key
        'currency' => 'SEK',
        'price' => 20,
        'points' => 20,
        'name' => '20 points',
        'returnURL' => "http://".$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']."/success.php",
        'cancelURL' => "http://".$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']."/failed.php"

    /// SHOP ///
    // SHOP System, si estan utilizando el shop system, verifiquen que tengan un archivo llamado shop.lua en data/scripts/talkactions/players
    // Una vez comprado el item utilizar el comando !Shop en el juego
    $config['shop'] = array(
        'enabled' => true,
        'loginToView' => true, // Necessita registrarse para ver el shop ?
        'enableShopConfirmation' => true, // Indicar si quiere comprar con un popup
        'useDB' => true, // Fetch offers from database, or the below config array
        'showImage' => true,
        'imageServer' => '', // Imagenes desde el link official 12.85 -- Puede variar muchissimo dependiendo el servidor. Aconsejo descargar la carpeta y agregar sus propios items. Para indicar la url sera simple, miserver/items
        'imageType' => 'gif',

    /// Let players sell, buy and bid on characters.
    /// Creates a deeper shop economy, encourages players to spend more money in shop for points.
    /// Pay to win/progress mechanic, but also lets people who can barely afford points to gain it
    /// by leveling characters to sell. It can also discourages illegal/risky third-party account
    /// services. Since players can buy officially & support the server, dodgy competitors have to sell for cheaper.
    /// Without admin interference this is organic to each individual community economy inflation.
    $config['shop_auction'] = array(
        'characterAuction' => true, // Enable/disable this system
        // Account ID of the account that stores players in the auction.
        // Make sure storage account has a very secure password!
        'storage_account_id' => 3, // Separate secure account ID, not your GM.
        'step' => 5, // Minimum amount someone can raise a bid by
        'step_duration' => 1 * 60 * 60, // When bidding over someone else, extend bid period by 1 hour.
        'lowestLevel' => 20, // Minimum level of sold character
        'lowestPrice' => 10, // Lowest donation points a char can be sold for.
        'biddingDuration' => 0, // = 1 day, 0 to disable bidding
        'deposit' => 10 // Seller has to add 10=10% deposit to auction which he gets back later.

    //// SHOP ITEMS ////
    //// Pueden modificarlos, esto es solo una base para que no tengais que escribirlo todo vosotros mismos, disfrutenlo /////
        type 1 = Items
        type 2 = Premium days
        type 3 = Change character gender
        type 4 = Change character name
        type 5 = Buy outfit (put outfit id as itemid),
        (put addon id as count [0 = nothing, 1 = first addon, 2 = second addon, 3 = both addons])
        type 6 = Buy mount (put mount id as itemid)
        type 7 = Buy house (hardcoded in the house system, type used for data log)
        type 8+ = custom coded stuff
    $config['shop_offers'] = array(
        1 => array(
            'type' => 1,
            'itemid' => 3043, // item to get in-game
            'count' => 5, // Stack number (5x itemid)
            'description' => "5 x Crystal coin", // Description shown on website
            'points' => 100, // How many points this offer costs
        2 => array(
            'type' => 1,
            'itemid' => 3280,
            'count' => 1,
            'description' => "Fire sword",
            'points' => 10,
        7 => array(
            'type' => 5,
            'itemid' => [132, 140], // Outfit ID
            'count' => 3, // Addon 0 = none, 1 = first, 2 = second, 3 = both
            'description' => "Noble outfit with both addons",
            'points' => 20,
        8 => array(
            'type' => 6,
            'itemid' => 32, // Mount ID
            'count' => 1,
            'description' => "Gnarlhound mount",
            'points' => 20,
        9 => array(
            'type' => 6,
            'itemid' => 17,
            'count' => 1,
            'description' => "War horse",
            'points' => 20,

    /// voting
    // Start by creating an account at and add your server.
    // You can find your secret token by logging in on and go to 'MY SERVER' then 'Encourage players to vote'.
    $config['otservers_eu_voting'] = [
        'enabled' => false,
        'simpleVoteUrl' => '', // This url is used if the player isn't logged in.
        'voteUrl' => '',
        'voteCheckUrl' => '',
        'secretToken' => '', // Enter your secret token. Do not share with anyone!
        'landingPage' => '/voting.php?action=reward', // The user will be redirected to this page after voting
        'points' => '1' // Amount of points to give as reward
Código Lua:
-- Core settings
-- Note: If you want to use datapack folder canary (custom), put only "data-canary"
-- If you want to use the global datapack folder, put "data-real-global"
-- If "useAnyDatapackFolder" is set to true then you can choose any datapack folder for your server
useAnyDatapackFolder = true
dataPackDirectory = "data-real-map"
-- Don't change this unless you know what you're doing
coreDirectory = "data"

-- Combat settings
-- NOTE: valid values for worldType are: "pvp", "no-pvp" and "pvp-enforced"
worldType = "no-pvp"
hotkeyAimbotEnabled = true
protectionLevel = 7
pzLocked = 60 * 1000
removeChargesFromRunes = true
removeChargesFromPotions = true
removeWeaponAmmunition = false
removeWeaponCharges = false
timeToDecreaseFrags = 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000
whiteSkullTime = 15 * 60 * 1000
stairJumpExhaustion = 2 * 1000
experienceByKillingPlayers = false
expFromPlayersLevelRange = 75
dayKillsToRedSkull = 3
weekKillsToRedSkull = 5
monthKillsToRedSkull = 10
redSkullDuration = 1
blackSkullDuration = 3
orangeSkullDuration = 7

onlyInvitedCanMoveHouseItems = true
cleanProtectionZones = false

-- Connection Config
-- NOTE: maxPlayers set to 0 means no limit
-- NOTE: MaxPacketsPerSeconds if you change you will be subject to bugs by WPE, keep the default value of 25
ip = ""
bindOnlyGlobalAddress = false
loginProtocolPort = 7171
gameProtocolPort = 7172
statusProtocolPort = 7171
maxPlayers = 100
serverName = "CustomRL"
serverMotd = "Welcome to Custom Real Map"
onePlayerOnlinePerAccount = true
allowClones = false
statusTimeout = 5 * 1000
replaceKickOnLogin = true
maxPacketsPerSecond = 25
maxItem = 2000
maxContainer = 100

-- Packet Compression
-- Minimize network bandwith and reduce ping
-- Levels: 0 = disabled, 1 = best speed, 9 = best compression
packetCompressionLevel = 6

-- Depot Limit
freeDepotLimit = 2000
premiumDepotLimit = 10000
depotBoxes = 20

-- Prey system
-- NOTE: preyRerollPricePerLevel: Price multiplier in gold coin for rerolling prey list.
-- NOTE: preySelectListPrice: Price to manually select creature on list and to lock prey slot.
-- NOTE: preyBonusRerollPrice: Price to manually reroll bonus type and to enable automatic reroll.
-- NOTE: preyBonusTime: Time in seconds that players will have of prey bonus.
-- NOTE: preyFreeRerollTime: Time in seconds that players will have to wait to get a new free prey list.
preySystemEnabled = true
preyFreeThirdSlot = false
preyRerollPricePerLevel = 200
preySelectListPrice = 5
preyBonusRerollPrice = 1
preyBonusTime = 2 * 60 * 60
preyFreeRerollTime = 20 * 60 * 60

-- Task hunting system
-- NOTE: taskHuntingLimitedTasksExhaust: Time to wait to select a new creature on the task hunting slot after claiming the reward.
-- NOTE: taskHuntingRerollPricePerLevel: Price multiplier in gold coin for rerolling task hunting list.
-- NOTE: taskHuntingFreeRerollTime: Time in seconds that players will have to wait to get a new free task hunting list.
taskHuntingSystemEnabled = true
taskHuntingFreeThirdSlot = false
taskHuntingLimitedTasksExhaust = 20 * 60 * 60
taskHuntingRerollPricePerLevel = 200
taskHuntingSelectListPrice = 5
taskHuntingBonusRerollPrice = 1
taskHuntingFreeRerollTime = 20 * 60 * 60

-- Forge system
-- NOTE: forgeAmountMultiplier, amount dusts multiplies of influenced monsters, default 3
-- NOTE: forgeMinSlivers, min slivers from influenced monsters
-- NOTE: forgeMaxSlivers, max slivers from influenced monsters
-- NOTE: forgeInfluencedLimit, limit of influenced monsters that will be created in interval type and time
-- NOTE: forgeFiendishLimit, limit of diabolic monsters that will be created in interval type and time, less than forgeInfluencedLimit
-- NOTE: forgeFiendishIntervalType: "hour", "minute" or "second"
forgeMaxItemTier = 10
forgeCostOneSliver = 20
forgeSliverAmount = 3
forgeCoreCost = 50
forgeMaxDust = 225
forgeFusionCost = 100
forgeTransferCost = 100
forgeBaseSuccessRate = 50
forgeBonusSuccessRate = 15
forgeTierLossReduction = 50
forgeAmountMultiplier = 3
forgeMinSlivers = 3
forgeMaxSlivers = 7
forgeInfluencedLimit = 3000
forgeFiendishLimit = 3
forgeFiendishIntervalType = "hour"
forgeFiendishIntervalTime = "1"

-- Bestiary & Bosstiary system
-- NOTE: bestiaryKillMultiplier, multiplier value of monster killed, default 1
-- NOTE: bosstiaryKillMultiplier, multiplier value of boss killed, default 1
bestiaryKillMultiplier = 25
bosstiaryKillMultiplier = 20
bestiaryRateCharmShopPrice  = 1.0
boostedBossSlot = true
boostedBossLootBonus = 250
boostedBossKillBonus = 3

--- Hazard System
hazardSystem_enable = true
hazardSystem_spawnPlunderMultiplier = 25
hazardSystem_podsDamage = 5
hazardSystem_lootBonusMultiplier = 2
hazardSystem_expBonusMultiplier = 2
hazardSystem_podsTimeToSpawn = 4000
hazardSystem_podsTimeToDamage = 2000
hazardSystem_podsDropMultiplier = 87
hazardSystem_dodgeMultiplier = 85
hazardSystem_damageMultiplier = 200
hazardSystem_criticalMultiplier = 25
hazardSystem_criticalInterval = 2000

-- Familiar system
-- NOTE: the time will be divided by 2 to get half the value, the familiar lasts 15 minutes by default and the cooldown of the spell is 30 minutes
-- Only change it here if you know what you are doing or to make testing easier with familiars
familiarTime = 30

-- NOTE: Access only for Premium Account
onlyPremiumAccount = false

-- Customs
-- NOTE: weatherRain = true, activates weather raining effects
-- NOTE: thunderEffect = true, activates thunder effects
-- NOTE: allConsoleLog = true, show all message logs
-- NOTE: stashMoving = true, stow an container inside your stash
-- NOTE: depotChest, the non-stackable items will be moved to the selected depot chest(I - XVIII).
-- NOTE: autoBank = true, the dropped coins from monsters will be automatically deposited to your bank account.
-- NOTE: toggleGoldPouchAllowAnything will allow players to move items or gold to gold pouch
-- NOTE: toggleServerIsRetroPVP will make this server as retro, setting PARTY_PROTECTION and ADVANCED_SECURE_MODE to 0
-- NOTE: toggleTravelsFree will make all travels from boat free
weatherRain = false
thunderEffect = true
allConsoleLog = false
stashMoving = false
depotChest = 4
autoLoot = false
autoBank = false
toggleGoldPouchAllowAnything = true
toggleServerIsRetroPVP = false
toggleTravelsFree = false

-- Teleport summon
-- Set to true will never remove the summon
teleportSummons = false

-- NOTE: true will allow the /reload command to be used
-- NOTE: Using this script might cause unwanted changes
-- This script forces a reload in the entire server, this means that everything that is stored in memory might stop to work properly and/or completely, this script should be used in test environments only
allowReload = true

-- Stamina in Trainers
staminaTrainer = true
staminaTrainerDelay = 1
staminaTrainerGain = 5
-- Stamina in PZ
staminaPz = true
staminaOrangeDelay = 5
staminaGreenDelay = 5
staminaPzGain = 5
-- Max players allowed on a dummy.
maxAllowedOnADummy = 30

-- Save interval per time
-- NOTE: toggleSaveInterval: true = enable the save interval, false = disable the save interval
-- NOTE: saveIntervalType: "minute", "second" or "hour"
-- NOTE: toggleSaveIntervalCleanMap: true = enable the clean map, false = disable the clean map
-- NOTE: saveIntervalTime: time based on what was set in "saveIntervalType"
toggleSaveInterval = true
saveIntervalType = "hour"
toggleSaveIntervalCleanMap = true
saveIntervalTime = 1

-- Imbuement
toggleImbuementShrineStorage = false

-- Free quests
-- Add quest access to player when logging in
-- NOTE: Only quests that are in the "freequests.lua" script table will work
-- toggleFreeQuest = enable/disable the system
-- freeQuestStage = if you add more quests to the table, change this value to run freeQuest again
toggleFreeQuest = true
freeQuestStage = 5

-- Deaths
-- NOTE: Leave deathLosePercent as -1 if you want to use the default
-- death penalty formula. For the old formula, set it to 10. For
-- no skill/experience loss, set it to 0.
deathLosePercent = -1

-- Houses
-- NOTE: set housePriceEachSQM to -1 to disable the ingame buy house functionality
-- NOTE: set houseBuyLevel to 0 to disable the min level purchase functionality.
-- Periods: daily/weekly/monthly/yearly/never
housePriceEachSQM = 1000
houseRentPeriod = "never"
houseOwnedByAccount = false
houseBuyLevel = 10

-- Item Usage
timeBetweenActions = 200
timeBetweenExActions = 1000

-- Push
-- NOTE: pushDelay: interval for every push
-- NOTE: pushDistanceDelay: delay for every distance push
-- NOTE: pushWhenAttacking: true = enable the push during attack, false = disable the push during attack
pushDelay = 1000
pushDistanceDelay = 1500
pushWhenAttacking = false

-- Map
-- NOTE: set mapName WITHOUT .otbm at the end
-- NOTE: If toggleDownloadMap if false, then the mapDownloadUrl will not be used
-- NOTE: If a map with the name already exists in the world folder, the map will not be downloaded even if the toggleDownloadMap is true
toggleDownloadMap = false
mapName = "otservbr"
mapDownloadUrl = ""
mapAuthor = "OpenTibiaBR"

-- Party List limitations
-- max distance in which players in party list are visible
-- NOTE partyListMaxDistance set to 0 means no limit
partyListMaxDistance = 30

-- Custom Map
-- NOTE: mapCustomEnabled = activate the map, false = disable the map
toggleMapCustom = true
mapCustomName = "otservbr-custom"
mapCustomAuthor = "OpenTibiaBR"

-- Market
marketOfferDuration = 30 * 24 * 60 * 60
premiumToCreateMarketOffer = true
checkExpiredMarketOffersEachMinutes = 60
maxMarketOffersAtATimePerPlayer = 100

-- MySQL
mysqlHost = ""
mysqlUser = "otserv1"
mysqlPass = "Granuja7292"
mysqlDatabase = "otserv"
mysqlPort = 3306
mysqlSock = ""
passwordType = "sha1"

-- Misc.
-- NOTE: experienceDisplayRates: set to false to ignore exp rate or true to include exp rate
allowChangeOutfit = true
freePremium = false
kickIdlePlayerAfterMinutes = 15
maxMessageBuffer = 4
emoteSpells = true
allowWalkthrough = true
coinPacketSize = 25
coinImagesURL = ""
classicAttackSpeed = false
showScriptsLogInConsole = false
-- configure maximum value of critical imbuement
criticalChance = 30
inventoryGlowOnFiveBless = false
adventurersBlessingLevel = 21
experienceDisplayRates = true

-- Global server Save
-- NOTE: globalServerSaveNotifyDuration in minutes
globalServerSaveNotifyMessage = true
globalServerSaveNotifyDuration = 5
globalServerSaveCleanMap = true
globalServerSaveClose = false
globalServerSaveShutdown = false
globalServerSaveTime = "06:00:00"

-- Sort loot by chance, most rare items drop first
-- it is good to be setted when you have a higher
-- rateLoot to avoid losing all rare items when
-- the corpse size is less than the total of loots
-- the monster can drop
sortLootByChance = false

-- Rates
-- NOTE: rateExp, rateSkill and rateMagic is used when 'rateUseStages = false' - or a fallback only
-- To configure rates see file data/stages.lua
rateUseStages = true
rateExp = 3
rateSkill = 20
rateLoot = 4
rateMagic = 8
rateSpawn = 2

-- Killing in the name of Quest
rateKillingInTheNameOfPoints = 1

-- Today regeneration condition over an loop every 1 second,
-- So values which should regenerated less then 1 second or won't will work
rateHealthRegen = 4.0
rateHealthRegenSpeed = 2.0
rateManaRegen = 5.0
rateManaRegenSpeed = 2.0
rateSoulRegen = 4.0
rateSoulRegenSpeed = 2.0

rateSpellCooldown = 1.5
rateAttackSpeed = 1.5
rateOfflineTrainingSpeed = rateAttackSpeed
rateExerciseTrainingSpeed = 10

-- Monster rates
rateMonsterHealth = 1.0
rateMonsterAttack = 1.0
rateMonsterDefense = 1.0

-- Monsters
deSpawnRange = 2
deSpawnRadius = 50

-- Stamina
staminaSystem = true

-- Scripts
warnUnsafeScripts = true
convertUnsafeScripts = true

-- Startup
-- NOTE: defaultPriority only works on Windows and sets process
-- priority, valid values are: "normal", "above-normal", "high"
defaultPriority = "high"
startupDatabaseOptimization = true

-- Status server information
ownerName = "OpenGamesCommunity"
ownerEmail = ""
url = ""
location = "Spain"

-- Sends Discord webhook notifications on startup, raids and shutdown.
-- The URL layout is
-- Leave empty if you wish to disable.
discordWebhookURL = ""
Veo que todo está bien.
En el pc hace mucho no abro un servidor pero si me acuerdo que no me funcionaba para entrar y usaba 192.168… el número otorgado por el router a mi pc, porque cuando usas se conecta al router y ahí no hay login mientras que 192.168… se conecta a tu pc y puedes ver tu web / jugar en teoría , has la prueba en el mismo wifi entra a tu web por teléfono usando el 192.168 de tu pc.
En línea tampoco puedes entrar verdad ?
Antivirus cual tienes ?
Firewall entrantes/salientes tienes agregado el 7171/7172 y 80?


Veo que todo está bien.
En el pc hace mucho no abro un servidor pero si me acuerdo que no me funcionaba para entrar y usaba 192.168… el número otorgado por el router a mi pc, porque cuando usas se conecta al router y ahí no hay login mientras que 192.168… se conecta a tu pc y puedes ver tu web / jugar en teoría , has la prueba en el mismo wifi entra a tu web por teléfono usando el 192.168 de tu pc.
En línea tampoco puedes entrar verdad ?
Antivirus cual tienes ?
Firewall entrantes/salientes tienes agregado el 7171/7172 y 80?
Es que con la ip de 198.168 de la PC me deja entrar a la página, y aunque con el cliente pareciera que si me va dejar entrar pues si me acepta la clave y me despliega los characters cuando elijo uno de ahí pasa lo de las dos últimas imágenes


Miembro del equipo
Es que con la ip de 198.168 de la PC me deja entrar a la página, y aunque con el cliente pareciera que si me va dejar entrar pues si me acepta la clave y me despliega los characters cuando elijo uno de ahí pasa lo de las dos últimas imágenes
Entra en discord, descarga Anydesk y mandame un mensaje, lo miraré.