Ayuda con ITEM Images en Web


hola, tengo un problema... es que en mi pagina web, no me aparecen los items de los jugadores.....
Estoy usando CCCcanary-3.1.2 y de Web: TibiaCOM-layout...

Ya lo había logrado poner y no se que moví que ya no me funciona :(
en el Config.php de Uniserver lo tengo así:
// Show advanced inventory data in character profile
$config['EQ_shower'] = array(
'enabled' => true,
'equipment' => true,
'skills' => true,
'outfits' => false,
// Player storage (storage_value + outfitId)
// used to see if player has outfit.
// see Lua scripts folder for otserv code
'storage_value' => 10000
/// SHOP ///
// If useDB is set to true, player can shop in-game as well using Znote Lua shop system plugin.
$config['shop'] = array(
'enabled' => true,
'loginToView' => false, // Do user need to login to see the shop offers?
'enableShopConfirmation' => true, // Verify that user wants to buy with popup
'useDB' => false, // Fetch offers from database, or the below config array
'showImage' => true,
'imageServer' => 'https://item-images.ots.me/latest_otbr/',
'factType' => 'gif',
Posdata los outfits si se ven bien, solo los items no, lo tengo asi:
// Show outfits
$config['show_outfits'] = array(
'shop' => true,
'highscores' => true,
'characterprofile' => true,
'onlinelist' => true,
// Image server may be unreliable and only for test,
// host yourself: https://otland.net/threads/item-images-10-92.242492/
'imageServer' => 'https://outfit-images-oracle.ots.me/latest_walk/animoutfit.php'


Miembro del equipo
hola, tengo un problema... es que en mi pagina web, no me aparecen los items de los jugadores.....
Estoy usando CCCcanary-3.1.2 y de Web: TibiaCOM-layout...

Ya lo había logrado poner y no se que moví que ya no me funciona :(
en el Config.php de Uniserver lo tengo así:
// Show advanced inventory data in character profile
$config['EQ_shower'] = array(
'enabled' => true,
'equipment' => true,
'skills' => true,
'outfits' => false,
// Player storage (storage_value + outfitId)
// used to see if player has outfit.
// see Lua scripts folder for otserv code
'storage_value' => 10000
/// SHOP ///
// If useDB is set to true, player can shop in-game as well using Znote Lua shop system plugin.
$config['shop'] = array(
'enabled' => true,
'loginToView' => false, // Do user need to login to see the shop offers?
'enableShopConfirmation' => true, // Verify that user wants to buy with popup
'useDB' => false, // Fetch offers from database, or the below config array
'showImage' => true,
'imageServer' => 'https://item-images.ots.me/latest_otbr/',
'factType' => 'gif',
Posdata los outfits si se ven bien, solo los items no, lo tengo asi:
// Show outfits
$config['show_outfits'] = array(
'shop' => true,
'highscores' => true,
'characterprofile' => true,
'onlinelist' => true,
// Image server may be unreliable and only for test,
// host yourself: https://otland.net/threads/item-images-10-92.242492/
'imageServer' => 'https://outfit-images-oracle.ots.me/latest_walk/animoutfit.php'


Esta linea:

'imageServer' => 'https://item-images.ots.me/latest_otbr/',

Quizas no te funciona, prueba https://item-images.ots.me/1285/
En caso que no te vaya, descargalos aqui
Ponlos en tu carpeta www de la web, renombra la carpat para items, y pones http:// la url de tu servidor/items